For the reality of poor constitution and deficient nurture of the theory and practice of mainland negotiable instrument law , the author starts from the core system , the negotiable instrument counterplea , and then makes a full study to the theory of negotiable instrument counterplea , the system of restriction of negotiable instrument counterplea , the classification system of negotiable instrument counterplea and the system of negotiable instrument counterplea in united nations convention of international bill of exchange and bank check . trying to clarify the theoretical basis of modern negotiable instrument counterplea , to screen the legislative mistake of chinese negotiable instrument law , and to strive to exceed the law of other countries , the author , from the development trend of negotiable instruments law , determines the orientation of its modification 该论文针对我国大陆票据理论及实践先天不足,后天营养缺乏的现实,拟从票据的核心制度之一?票据抗辩入手,对票据抗辩理论,票据抗辩限制制度,票据抗辩的分类体系,以及联合国国际汇票本票公约中的票据抗辩制度作较系统的研究,试图澄清当代票据抗辩制度的理论根据,甄别我国票据法的立法失误,并努力超越世界上其他国家和地区的票据法,从票据法的发展趋势上把握我国票据法的修改方向。除绪论,论文的第二章抗辩和票据抗辩,阐述了票据抗辩在一般抗辩中的地位,尤其是与民事抗辩的区别和联系,以作为票据抗辩研究的基础。
Core system 0 receives , processes and transmits data from monitoring and client terminals , including internet delay management , identity management , data validity , accuracy and reliance management ; internet accident management ( connection interruption , data timeout ) ; emergency data recovery 核心系统- -用于接收,发送及处理来自监控端和客户端的所有数据,包括:网络延时处理,身份认证,数据的有效性,准确性及可靠性的判断;意外情况(如:连接中断,数据超时)的处理;紧急数据恢复等
This kind of implementation is much more flexible and more upgradeable than the video codec burned in asics the content of this thesis is mainly focused on the schedule implementated on a high speed and high - resolution image processing system , which is based on pc104 bus with fpga as its core system control part and dm642 as a gpu processor 本课题的主要内容是设计一种基于pc104总线,以fpga为系统控制核心、 tidm642为gpu的可相对实时采集高分辨率视频高速处理的图像处理系统。主要从系统级别上描述了一种高分辨率图像处理卡的系统实现方案,重点研究了该视频图像处理卡中视频采集、压缩编码和视频数据通信的方法。