
centrifugal force中文是什么意思

  • 离心力。



  • 例句与用法
  • When the velocity of methane is unchangeable , the more fuel / air is , the intensity of circumfluence is stronger . when the centrifugal force is added , the intensity of circumfluence is increased along with the increase of centrifugal force
  • This machine of horizotal crushing structure , and the material is fed into the crushing chamber through a hopper , crushed by cutting and impact of both fixed and rotating knives , and flows to the exit automatically under the effect of rotating centrifugal force
  • Operation , leaves the air by centrifugal force intermediate role to the brink of incompetence impeller movement into bengti circular cavity at , and then returned to impeller , re - starting from the leaves of the cycle in the same way again
  • In the background of globalization , the functions of education have dual natures , it may both become the booster in piomoting the national competitive force and the buffer in prohibiting the global economic centrifugal force , and may become the opposite
  • The results indicated that the centrifugal force reduces the localization ; when the young ’ s modulus of all blades are in the tolerance of 5 % , the blade - disc can regarded as an cyclic symmetry system
    结果表明,离心力对失调叶片轮盘系统局部化振动有减弱作用;所有叶片弹性模量在5 %误差范围的随机失调系统,其固有频率与非失调相差很小,即失调叶片?轮盘系统可以按照循环对称结构进行模态分析。
  • We investigated the transformation of the flow field with the increase of centrifugal force . when the acceleration became bigger , the flow field has a main circumfluence of anti - clockwise and a circumfluence of clockwise on the downriver
  • The clarifier principle : the lw decanter has the characteristics of a clarifier wherein gravity is replaced by centrifugal force - many thousand times greater in effect . applications are wide ranging and encompass : clarification of liquids
    它既可以用于分离含固相颗粒0 . 005mm的悬浮液,也可用于固相颗粒的分级,更适合于分离对滤布再生有困难的物料,以及浓度颗粒度变化范围较大的悬浮液,滤饼亦可洗涤。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • the outward force on a body moving in a curved path around another body

  • 百科解释
Centrifugal force () is the apparent outward force that draws a rotating body away from the center of rotation. It is caused by the inertia of the body as the body's path is continually redirected.
  • 其他语种释义
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