attention n. 1.注意,注目;留心,专心;注意力。 2.【军事】立正。 3.〔pl.〕 殷勤,厚待。 4.关照,礼貌。 He was all attention. 他十分专心。 attention to a stranger 对一个陌生人的礼貌。 A- please! 请注意。 Your application will have attention. 你的申请会得到考虑。 arrest [attract] sb.'s attention惹起某人注意。 Attention! (略 'shun [n;n])立正!〔口令〕。 call away the attention 转移开注意。 call sb.'s attention to 促使某人注意。 come to attention【军事】(采取)立正(姿势)。 devote one's attention to 热中于,专心于。 fix one's attention on 留意。 pay sb. attentions 殷勤招待某人。 pay one's attentions to 1. 注意。 2. (对女人)献殷勤。 stand at attention = come to attention. turn one's attention to 注意。 with attention注意,郑重。 adj. -al
A middle child who " always wanted to be the center of attention, " she was bound to bust out of napanee, ontario, population 5, 000 . " i always knew this was what i had to do, " she says . " i remember when i was really young, standing on my bed like it was a stage, singing at the top of my lungs and visualizing thousands of people surrounding me . “虽然有人这么说我,也不会让我改变,”她说:“我不在乎别人说什么,我只要做我自己,我也不会去学别人,我不是坏孩子,我只想要每天高高兴兴的过日子还有诚实做自己就好,真的很希望,大家能看到这一点。”
In addition, the demand of logistics effect, logistics quality and logistics efficiency become new center of attention which directly reflects the rising, organized, systemized requirement of modem logistics ’ service for enterprises . the development of information techniques create many convenient conditions for social information and object transmission 商业模式的变化使传统的物流模式发生了巨变,现代物流成为社会各界争相进入或研究的新兴领域,同时现代物流业成为新经济时代的重要产业,而第三方物流成为企业新的利润增长点。