

  • 1.俗话,谚语。
    3.〔罕用语〕浑名,绰号;口头禅(the old byword of lookers-on seeing most of the game 旁观者清的老话)。



  • 例句与用法
  • They were second best in most areas of the field , not least at the back , where a quartet that had once been a byword for dogged reliability under ourinho often looked as vulnerable as lambs in springtime
    蓝军在各方面都不占优势,尤其是后防线? ?在穆里尼奥时代以顽强可靠著称的四人组在比赛开始后的一段时间内,脆弱得如同羔羊。
  • They seem the unlikeliest of relatives . one was a fearsome warlord whose name became a byword for savagery . the other is a mild - mannered accountancy academic from florida
    据《泰晤士报》 30日报道,他们之间似乎最不可能成为亲威:一个是令世界胆寒的蒙古首领,他的名字成吉思汗已经成为一种威严骁勇的象征,另一个是佛罗里达州举止斯文的会计学者。
  • Then will i pluck them up by the roots out of my land which i have given them ; and this house , which i have sanctified for my name , will i cast out of my sight , and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations
  • Then i will cut israel off from the face of the land which i have given them , and the house which i have sanctified for my name i will cast out of my sight , and israel will be a proverb and a byword among all the peoples
  • I am positive when i say that if need were i could produce a cloud of witnesses to the excellence of her noble exercitations which , so far from being a byword , should be a glorious incentive in the human breast
    伊所从事之高尚职业,非但不应成为笑柄,且可激励人心,使之向上。吾敢断言,倘有必要,吾能推出多如云彩之证人184 ,以阐述该项职业如何不比寻常。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
    同义词:proverb, adage, saw,

  • 其他语种释义
  • bywordとは意味:byword n. 決まり文句, 通り言葉; (悪いものの)手本; 典型. 【+前置詞】 ◆The current administration is a byword for incompetence. 現政権は無能力の典型だ Swedish steel―a byword for reliability 信頼性の代名詞―スウェーデン製のはがね ◆He is a byword in the co...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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