
by drive中文是什么意思

  • 按驱动器名
  • 依磁盘驱动器代号



  • 例句与用法
  • After breakfast , we began our day by driving through the central alps of switzerland to the city of engleberg to begin our visit to mount titlis by cable cars where you will enjoy your lunch at elevation of 10000 feet above the alps
  • In the study of oled performance under ac - voltage driving , we also found the performance of oled is largely impacted by driving frequency and duty ratio , the frequency around 50hz and duty ratio around 50 % is most fit for oled
    交流驱动的频率和占空比对oled器件各方面的性能都有很大的影响,当频率为50hz左右,占空比为50 %左右时, oled器件的性能为最佳。
  • A levee ' s height , the depth of its foundation or pilings , the quality of its materials , the degree of compaction ( done by driving heavy machinery over the layers ) , and the type of slope finish depend greatly on the money approved for a project
    海堤高度、地基或打桩深度、物料品质、压实程度(以重机具在土层上行驶) ,以及边坡表面种类等,大多取决于工程经费。
  • And what one nation in the earth is like thy people israel , whom god went to redeem to be his own people , to make thee a name of greatness and terribleness , by driving out nations from before thy people , whom thou hast redeemed out of egypt
    代上17 : 21世上有何民能比你的民以色列呢你神从埃及救赎他们作自己的子民、又在你赎出来的民面前行大而可畏的事、驱逐列邦人、显出你的大名。
  • A new or reconditioned engine , gearbox or rear axle needs to be “ run - in “ in order to allow the working parts to develop a special type of polished surface which can be obtained only by driving at moderate speeds without the use of full engine power
  • Dancing is accomplished by driving the control actuators and d . c . motors . for the quantity of control actuators , the idea of time - sharing hanlding is introduced . d . c . motors are controlled by the control signal from the high - speed output ( hso ) of 80c 196kc
    舞蹈动作的执行是通过控制舵机与直流电机来实现,由于舵机数量较多,因而采用了分时控制的思想,直流电机的控制采用了单片机的高速输出hso 。
  • A right product can be made successfully through parameters driving . the failure chance is small by drive step by step . the method draws designer out of the trouble of replication and change drawing frequently
  • The article studies how to dynamically create multi - cube structure using sql language and rolap engine and to realize multidimensional calculation combined with olap engine and to satisfy the report form and multidimensional analysis requirement of consumer by drive of user ' s analysis
  • Refer to the damage problem to the motor of c41 - 400 air hammer caused by driving system fault , an acknowledged improvement that is adding a v - belt driving into the system has been promoted with failure situations occasionally because of irrational supporting structures
    摘要针对c41 - 400型空气锤由于传动系统故障而导致电动机损坏的问题,通常的改进方案是增加一级v带传动,但由于对改造中的支承设计不合理而失败的情况也时有发生。
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