Bayern munich coach felix magath admitted sunday that he was unable to make it to his team ' s championship victory celebration on a rhine river pleasure boat saturday night because he drank too much on the bus ride there . " i celebrated before we got there and was n ' t able to make in on the ship , " magath told german television network wdr on sunday before a training match in the western city of bonn 德国足坛劲旅拜仁慕尼黑队于5月6日晚间在一艘莱茵河观光游船上举行狂欢晚会,庆祝球队再次获得德甲冠军,但该队主教练费利克斯马加特却没有出现在庆祝活动的现场,因为他喝“高”了。
Her friend was a clifford chatterley , a young man of twenty - two , who had hurried home from bonn , where he was studying the technicalities of coal - mining . he had previously spent two years at cambridge . now he had become a first lieutenant in a smart regiment , so he could mock at everything more becomingly in uniform 他原在德国被恩研究煤矿技术,那时他刚从德国匆匆赶回来,他以前也在剑桥大学待过两年,现在,他是个堂堂的陆军中尉,穿上了军服,更可以目空一切了。
Wwf is particularly concerned to ensure that the marrakech conference resists attempts by australia , canada , russia and japan to utilise the legal text discussions to reopen debate on the compliance sections of the kyoto protocol that their ministers agreed to within the bonn agreement . negotiators should also reject russia s insistence on being allowed even greater credits for " sinks " - forests and land - use activities that absorb carbon from the atmosphere - than the generous provisions that russia won in bonn 总会尤其关注澳洲加拿大俄罗斯和日本的部长,会否利用是次马拉喀什会议,重开遵守京都气候协议的问题,与会代表亦应拒绝俄罗斯要求进一步增加其碳汇配额所谓碳汇,是指树林和土地吸收二氧化碳量。
Bonn is a city on the banks of the Rhine River in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It was the capital of West Germany from 1949 to 1990 and the official seat of government of united Germany from 1990 to 1999.