Even the boisterous winds unanimously came forth from their mystic homes , and blustered about as if to enhance by their aid the wildness of the scene 大风也平地而起,以助雷电群起而攻之,场面更加荒凉无比。如此时刻,如此黑暗阴沉,我心生慈悲为众生哀叹。
The daffodils which challenge so proudly and splendidly the boisterous march winds are soon shriveled and defeated , limply wrinkling to remind us of the inevitable ravages of time 那笑傲三月狂风的水仙花,很快枯萎一片,花残叶败,紧锁的愁眉向人们诉说着天道的无情。
The boisterous colour - jacketed traders in financial futures at liffe , a market founded in 1982 , typified the new unbuttoned style of business 1982年成立的伦敦国际金融期货交易所( liffe ) ,活跃在其中的交易人员身着亮眼的彩色夹克衫,这显示了金融城更加开放的管理风格。
The wind , however , did not grow as boisterous as might have been feared ; it was not one of those tempests which burst , and rush on with a speed of ninety miles an hour 其实,大风并没有象人们预料的那样凶猛。这次刮的并不是那种时速高达九十英里的飓风。它只是一种强风。
While the boisterous men chain themselves to the factory doors and get arrested on television to show their solidarity , their long - suffering wives raise money by starting up a homemade pasta business 而他们家中饱受辛劳的妻子们努力地用自己的手艺制作面条售卖,筹备资金。
See if you can find an events calendar for the island , as now and again the beaches are venues for community festivals , fun days and even , on occasion , boisterous full - moon parties 沙滩常是居民举办各式联谊活动,例如游戏日甚至是摆满月酒的所在地。若能凑巧碰上,准能令你大开眼界。
The sea was less boisterous , since the wind came off land - a fortunate circumstance for the boat , which would suffer , owing to its small tonnage , by a heavy surge on the sea 即使风从大陆上吹来,海面仍然相当平静,这对于唐卡德尔号是一个有利的条件,因为吨位很小的船只特别害怕大浪。
violently agitated and turbulent; "boisterous winds and waves"; "the fierce thunders roar me their music"- Ezra Pound; "rough weather"; "rough seas" 同义词:fierce, rough,
noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline; "a boisterous crowd"; "a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand"; "a robustious group of teenagers"; "beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings"; "an unruly class" 同义词:rambunctious, robustious, rumbustious, unruly,
full of rough and exuberant animal spirits; "boisterous practical jokes"; "knockabout comedy" 同义词:knockabout,