big adj. 1.大,巨大;大规模的;已长大的。 2.〔口语〕重要的,重大的;伟大的;出名的,极成功的,受欢迎的。 3.骄傲的,傲慢的,自大的。 4.怀着(孕),有(身子);〔比喻〕充满着…的,洋溢着…的 (with)。 5.宽大的,宽宏大量的。 6.〔口语〕(风等)剧烈的。 a big house 大房子。 a big enterprise 大企业。 a big pay 高薪。 art with a big A 具有特种暗含意义的艺术;抽象的艺术。 the big man of the town 城中名人。 big words 豪言壮语,大话。 He looks big. 他神气活现。 That's very big of you. 你真宽宏大量。 big with (young, child) 怀孕,有喜。 a question big with the fate of the Empire 有关帝国生死存亡的问题。 eyes big with tears 满眼泪水。 a big storm [earthquake] 剧烈的风暴[地震]。 a big piece of news 重要新闻。 as big as life 和原物一样大。 be big on 〔口语〕热衷;偏爱。 be [get, grow] too big for one's boots [breeches, trousers] 妄自尊大,目中无人。 go over big 〔美口〕(演出等)大大成功;(演员等)大受欢迎。 make big 〔美俚〕飞黄腾达。 adv. 1.〔口语〕非常大量。 2.〔口语〕自大,夸大。 3.宽宏大量地。 4.成功地。 talk big吹牛。 eat big 食量大。 a big busy day 忙得不可开交的一天。 pay big 付给高薪[高报酬]。 n. 大亨,巨子;大公司。 n. -ness 大,巨大,庞大,重大;夸大 (bigness scale 粗测)。
Finance companies stride a big step in recent years , but there is a big gap comparing with western ones , both in the scale and asset qualities 第三章的主要内容是通过对比中外财务公司的发展模式,指出我国财务公司的现状及存在的问题。
When established , this will be another big step towards having the plan submission and checking process conducted through electronic means . end saturday , october 20 , 2001 当这项措施确立后,将会使电子化递交图则和进行审核程序迈进一大步。
Constraint - checking to the build for example , for integration and acceptance testing can be a big step forward and typically involves adding one or two tasks to the system 约束检查(比如,集成和验收测试)向前跨了一大步,通常需要为系统添加一个或两个任务。
This depends on republicans ' acceptance of the rule of law , unionists ' agreement to share power with their erstwhile enemies , and the willingness of either to take the first big step 为此,共和党得接受法治,统一党得与他们的旧敌分权,两党的一方必须先迈一大步。
The plug bayonet is a big step in the right direction , but once it is fitted ( like a cork in a bottle neck ) it prevents a man from firing and reloading his gun 插头刺刀是向正确方向迈出很大的一步,但它一旦装上(像一个软木塞在一个瓶颈) ,也防止了枪兵给枪射击和装弹。
The blues took a big step towards reaching the knockout stages of the uefa champions league , as didier drogba ' s well - taken equaliser in injury time denied barca an important win 在这场平局后蓝军朝着晋级冠军联赛淘汰赛又跨了一大步,迪迪安.德罗巴补时的进球拒绝了巴萨的胜利。
When you realize that nothing in life is permanent and that the storm you ' re caught up in right now will eventually pass , you ' ll take a big step towards reducing stress 当我们意识到生活中没有什么是永恒的,意识到那场目前困住你的”风暴“终究将过去,那么你就朝着减轻压力迈进了一大步。
Jt is training with the group and that is a big step forward , so if he is playing in a short period time , it will not be a surprise , ' mourinho told chelsea tv after training on friday “ jt已经开始和球队一起训练,这是个大进步,所以如果他很快就能上场,这一点也不奇怪, ”穆帅在周五的训练完毕后告诉切尔西电视台。
That is why the results of three german expeditions by the vessel polarstern to the weddell sea , published in the current issue of nature , are a big step forward 德国人曾三次乘极地号到威德尔海进行考察,他们的考察结果刊登在这期的《自然》杂志上,因为深海取样很难,所以他们的发现被认为是领域研究中的一个大进步。