begin vi. (began; begun; beginning) 1.开始 (opp. end); 着手,动手。 2.始于,源于 (from). School begins on Monday. 星期一开课。 vt. 1.开始,创始;动手,着手。 2.创建。 It has begun to be done. = It has been begun. 工作开始了。 He began (to speak). 他开口了。 a book I began (to read) 开始读的书。 begin a dynasty 开创一个朝代。 begin again 重做,从头另做。 begin at 从…开始 (begin at the wrong end 开错了头。 begin at page 10 从第10页开始)。 begin by (doing ...)从(做…)开始,先做…。 begin on [upon] 着手,动手 (He has begun on a new book. 他已开始读[写]另一本新书)。 begin the world 开始为人[处世];开始独立生活。 begin with 从…开始,先做 (A little caviar to begin with, madame 先吃一点鱼子酱怎么样,女士?)。 not begin to (do) 〔口语〕决不会,完全不 (It does not begin to meet the specifications. 这完全不合规格。 I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am. 我不知道怎样感激你才好)。 to begin with 首先,第一,第一个理由是;本来〔插入语〕 (To begin with, he is too young. 首先[第一],他太年轻了)。
He drew up for a minute , threw a rapid glance around him , and then his hand fell instantly into his pocket , where it began playing with a pistol . but , meanwhile , caderousse , who had never taken his eyes off his companion , passed his hand behind his back , and opened a long spanish knife , which he always carried with him , to be ready in case of need . the two friends , as we see , were worthy of and understood one another 他一边把身子挺了一下,一边向四周急速地瞟了一眼,手好象若无其事似地插进了口袋里,他打开了一把袖珍手枪的保险机,卡德鲁斯的眼神始终也没有离开过他这位同伴,此时他也就把手伸到了背后,慢慢地抽出了一把他总是带在身边以备急需的西班牙匕首。
Aside from this word , evidence for any form of tennis preceding the year 1000 is lacking , and most historians credit the first origins of the game to 11th or 12th century french monks , who began playing a crude handball against their monastery walls or over a rope strung across a courtyard 除了这个单词,关于网球一千年前的情况,并没有历史记载。但是大多的历史学家把其历史归于11 , 12世纪的法国和尚,这些和尚曾拿着粗糙的球打向寺院的墙壁,或者打过栓在院子里的绳子。