absence n. 1.不在,缺席,缺勤 (opp. presence)。 2.缺乏,缺少,无。 3.心不在焉,不注意。 absencefrom (school, office) 缺(课),缺(席),缺(工),缺(勤),不在。 absence in (London) 暂离某地而在(伦敦)。 absence of mind 心不在焉,心神不定。 absence of reason 发狂。 in sb.'s absence 当某人不在时,背地里。 in the absence of 无…时,缺少…时。 leave of absence 请假,准假。 absence without leave 擅离职守。
The talk was as cool as their white dresses and their impersonal eyes in the absence of all desire . 她们的谈话恰如那雪白的衣裙一样清爽,象她们单纯的眼睛一样天真无邪。
What celia has is security of a kind, a total absence of responsibility or the need to relate to others . 西莉亚现在获得了某种安全感,既没有任何要她操心的事,又不心同其它人打交道。
In other words, each domain is spontaneously magnetized to saturation even in the absence of any external field . 换句话说,即使在没有任何外磁场的情况下,每个磁畴也自发地磁化到饱和。
I am not absolutely such a fool and sensualist as to regret the absence of a carpet, a sofa, and silver plate . 我决不是一个因为缺少地毯、沙发和银盘就感到懊恼的傻瓜和追求物质享受的人。
The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space , as they do from the earth . 空气的不存在,也说明了为什么在太空中星星看来并不闪烁,不象从地球上来看那样。
The problem is to reconcile this result with the principle of reciprocity and the absence of preferred frames of reference . 问题在于要使这个结果与倒易性原理和不存在从尤参照系协调起来。
The absence of presumptuous self-conceit in tito made him feel all the more defenceless under prospective obloquy . 蒂托由于缺乏自以为是的傲气,因此在声名扫地的前景之下更加显得束手无策。
On the eve of long voyages or an absence of many years friends who are tenderly attached will separate with the usual look . 在远途航行或者将要长年分离的前夜,最亲热的朋友分手竟会神色自若。
In the absence of ground acceleration data, the nature of the input excitation can be inferred only from structural behavior . 在没有地面加速度数据的情况下,只能从结构的性状来推测输入激振的性质。