The lawyers reached a plea agreement tuesday for a 30 - year term for a man accused of shooting with an intent to kill and robbery . but eric james torpy wanted his prison term to match bird ' s jersey number 33 10月18日,控辩双方达成协议将其刑期定为30年,但托尔比却想亲身经历33年铁窗生涯,以便与nba原球员伯德当年的球衣号码33号相吻合。
This is to certify that zhang yixiong ( male , date of birth : july 21 , 1976 ) and wang yan ( female , date of birth : february 18 , 1977 ) have got marriage registration in zhonglou town pingtan county of fujian province on october 18 , 2000 兹证明张毅雄(男, 1976年7月21日出生)与王艳(女, 1977年2月18日出生)于2000年10月18日在福建省平潭县中楼乡政府登记结婚。
Before arriving in beijing i visited shanghai , the financial capitol of china on the coast , the city of chengdu , located in the western province of sichuan , and a small town , mulan , about an hour outside of chengdu in sichuan 斯诺是于10月18日在北京向中国证券业协会发表上述讲话的。此前,他访问了成都及其附近的木兰镇和中国沿海地区的金融中心上海。
Last season milan needed a stoppage - time strike by massimo ambrosini to scrape past psv in the semi - finals on the away goals rule despite a 3 - 1 defeat in the netherlands . on current form another desperately tight encounter is in store in closely contested group e 冤家路窄,本赛季两队在欧洲冠军联赛e组比赛中再度相遇,此番荷兰人将力争在当地时间10月18日进行的首回合客场比赛中掀翻欧洲亚军米兰队。
In addition the " joint statements of ministers " of the diplomacy and trade double ministerial meeting held in the shanghai international meeting center on october the 18th required not only high - quality printing , but also binding and delivery of the documents 特别是10月18日要到上海国际会议中心发布的外交贸易双部长会议的部长联合声明,不但质量要求高难度大,而且还要完成装订和文件运送任务。