

音标:[ chǎnfā ]   发音:
  • elucidate; explicate



  • 例句与用法
  • His innovation to the function of fiction in theory lies in the two parts , one is that he found fiction has incredible power to dispose of humanity , and the second is that he raised the concept , that fiction is the most artistic types of literature text
    梁启超对小说功用的理论创新体现在两点,一是阐发了“小说有不可思议之力支配人道” ,二是提出了“小说为文学之最上乘”的观念。
  • The titanic figure of black saxophonist john coltrane has complicated the arguments made by proponents of styles from bebop through neobop because in his own musical journey he drew from all those styles
  • The article studied the development of those local textbooks , described the comprehension of intellectuals about the relationship between provincialism and country at that time , and pointed out the channel and scale of those local textbooks circulating to japan
  • The first parts , the introduction of the dissertation , mainly illustrates the academic value in researching on the long continuance of the u . s . federal constitution so as to set up the research worthiness of the dissertation topic
    重点阐发美国《联邦宪法》长久存续这一事实具有重大理论价值之可能性,从而确立本论文课题的研究价值。第二大部分即文章的“一,美国《联邦宪法》的变与不变” 。
  • By revealing the essence of the party ' s ability to reign , the author expatiates the theoretical and practical meanings of the party ' s ability to reign , aiming at providing a theoretical basis for strengthening the party ' s ability to reign
  • Part four : explain some thinking of our senior high school mathematics curricula ' s differentiation design , in order to provide recommendation and imagination to our ongoing senior high school mathematics curricula ' s reform . part five : the annex of the text
  • It makes a deep definition to the five aspects basic regulations of the wto and the meaning of the functional transformation , and analyses macroscophically some common theoretical questions about the governmental function transformation in accordance with the regulations of the wto
  • The whole thesis explains its viewpoint via the combined use of systematic analysis and historical analysis . besides the introduction and the summary , it contains two big parts , discussing the two issues of how leaders and cadres look on and make use of the power correctly in turn
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 阐发的法语:tirer au clair élucider expliquer
  • 阐发的日语:はっきり表す.解明する.一歩突っ込んで説明する. 这个报告详细xiángxì地阐发了发展轻工业的意义/この報告の中で,軽工業を発展させる意義が詳しく解き明かされている.
  • 阐发的韩语:[동사] (사실·의도를) 밝히다. 명백히 하다. 설명하다. 这个报告详细地阐发了美国的外交政策; 이 보고는 미국의 외교정책을 상세히 밝혔다
  • 阐发的俄语:pinyin:chǎnfā вскрывать, раскрывать (смысл), объяснять
  • 阐发什么意思:chǎnfā 阐述并发挥:~无遗ㄧ文章详细~了技术革命的历史意义。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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