Customs convention on the " ata carnet " for the temporary admission of goods , brussels , 6 . 12 . 1961 1961年12月6日订于布鲁塞尔的《关于凭A T A报关单证临时进口货物海关公约》
Great britain was the main overseas region to receive colonial exports and to supply 80 % of colonial imports 英国是接纳殖民地出口的主要海外市场并向殖民地提供80 %的进口货物。
Dutiestax charged by the government , especially on the importation of goods into the country often called tariffs 关税政府收取的税金,特别是针对进口货物,通常称之为贸易壁垒。
However , if you want to have it covered for your imports at your end , you may arrange the insurance as you like 但是如果你方想要为你们的进口货物投保这种险的话,你们可以自行安排。
Import and export cargo tracing and arrange the customs clearance , logistics affairs and commodity inspection of raw materials 跟踪进口货物的运输情况,组织清关、物流,原材料报检。
Provide allocation forms , custom declaration , inspection declaration , animal and plant quarantine , terminal cargo picking up 提供进口货物的调单清关报检动植物检验检疫码头接货等服务
For importation of goods , the importer or his agent shall report and pay tax to the customs office where the imports are declared (四)进口货物,应当由进口人或其代理人向报关地海关申报纳税。
For importation of goods , the importer or his a gent shall report and pay tax to the cuetoms offic e where the imports are declared (四)进口货物,应当由进口人或其代理人向报关地海关申报纳税。
Export and import goods may be stored , transferred , inspected at shaoguan . the railway port may reach hong kong 进出口货物可直接保管或转关接驳,在韶关报关可直接出口,进口货物可直达韶关验关。
The bank shall note in the original import cargo declaration form the name of the remittance enterprise , date of remittance , the sum 银行须在该正本进口货物报关单上签注付汇企业名称、付汇日期、金额。