

  • finance house association
  • trade a ociation
  • trade association



  • 例句与用法
  • The partnership with the council will continue to extend the reach of uk trade investment s services beyond its offices in beijing , chongqing , guangzhou and shanghai
  • Pmmi is a trade association whose more than 500 + general , supplier and materials members manufacture packaging and packaging - related converting machinery in the united states and canada
  • America ' s institute of scrap recycling industries ( isri ) , a trade association with more than 1 , 400 member companies , traces its roots back to one such organisation founded in 1913
  • Southampton has a representative office in qingdao , which it shares with the china britain business council , and which plays an active role in supporting business wishing to explore investment opportunities
  • Uk trade investment works with a wide range of partner organisations in the uk , including regional development agencies and the devolved administrations , business links , chambers of commerce and trade associations
  • Fpml is a product of the international swaps and derivatives association isda , a global trade association representing leading players in privately negotiated derivatives
    Fpml是international swaps and derivatives association (国际交换与衍生产品协会, isda )的产品, isda是代表在秘密协商衍生产品中领先企业的全球贸易协会
  • As well as a presence in these four cities , the china - britain business council also has offices in an additional seven cities across china , in chengdu , hangzhou , nanjing , qingdao , shenyang , shenzhen and wuhan
  • America must also take a hard look at industrial self - regulation ? the responsibilities of companies and trade associations to make their own investigations about product safety and to take appropriate action to mitigate risks
  • The canadian health food association ( chfa ) is canada ' s largest national trade association representing the interests of over 85 % of the suppliers and retail companies which make up canada ' s natural health and organic products industries
    加拿大健康食品协会是加拿大最大的贸易协会,由天然健康、有机功能产品行业85 %以上的的供货商和零售商组成。
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