贪生怕死 cravenly cling to life instead of braving death; afraid to risk one's neck; be mortally afraid of death; care for nothing but saving one's skin; cling to life not withstanding dishonour; cowardly; cling to life and fear death; prefer life to dishonour
贪生 cravenly cling to life; care for nothing but saving one's skin
" be careful , or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation , drunkenness and the anxieties of life , and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap “你们要谨慎,恐怕因贪食醉酒并今生的思虑,累住你们的心,那日子就如同网罗忽然临到你们。 ”
And take heed to yourselves , lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting , and drunkenness , and cares of this life , and so that day come upon you unawares 34你们要谨慎,恐怕因贪食醉酒并今生的思虑,累住你们的心,那日子就如同纲罗忽然临到你们。
Yea , they are greedy dogs which can never have enough , and they are shepherds that cannot understand : they all look to their own way , every one for his gain , from his quarter 赛56 : 11这些狗贪食、不知饱足这些牧人不能明白、各人偏行己路、各从各方求自己的利益。
It is estimated that approximately one in every 100 australian adolescent girls will develop anorexia nervosa , and approximately five in 100 australians develop bulimia 据估计,在澳大利亚大约有1 %的青春期少女都有神经性厌食症,而大约有5的澳大利亚人患有贪食症。
Bulimia nerosa , when a person binges and omits , is two to fie times more common than anorexia nerosa , when someone restricts their intake of food and drink , she said 她还指出:精神性贪食患者(暴饮暴食然后呕吐)大约是精神性厌食者(限制食物和饮料的摄入)的2 - 5倍。
One will eat apples casually where the insects can be found , but will eat apples immediately zhang long insect is not much , only tanshichi game also can see 一只会吃苹果的虫子随便哪里都能找到,但是吃过苹果立刻就会张长的虫子就不多了,只有在贪食蛇游戏中还可以见到!
Introduction : one will eat apples casually where the insects can be found , but will eat apples immediately zhang long insect is not much , only tanshichi game also can see 一只会吃苹果的虫子随便哪里都能找到,但是吃过苹果立刻就会张长的虫子就不多了,只有在贪食蛇游戏中还可以见到!
But they are a glutton for the fish , i do not know hunger satiety , obviously they can eat five fish , but food will see himself rushed to the results , it is certainly fan bai died 它们可是一种贪食的鱼,不知饥饱,明明只能吃五粒鱼食,可是看到食就会奋不顾身的冲上去,结果呢,当然是翻白而死了!