manifest; waybill; shipping list
交货单,出货单 d/o交货单,发货单 delivery note提货单,拨货单 delivery order出货单 delivery order; landing order船货单 manifest存货单 deposit warrant; nbsp; stock list; stocklist钉货单 order slip定货单 order blank; order for goods; order form; order sheet; purchase order订货单 indent number; order blank; order book; order for goods; order form; order list; order sheet; order slip; po purchase order; purchase order渡货单 boat note发货单 bil of delivery; bill of delivery; consignment invoice; d/o delivery order; delivery note; despatch list; despatching note; dispatch list; ship order; shipping order购货单 purchase order; purchasing order换货单 swaorder货单,锚指 bill货单;舱单 manifest寄货单 p/r parcel peceipt交货单 d/o delivery order; delivery advice; delivery note; delivery order (d/o); delivery ticket; tick note; tick-note进货单 list 1理货单 tally card; tally list; tally sheet (book); tally sheet (book)领货单 requisition form买货单 bought note起货单 landing account; landing permits取货单 carrier's note缺货单 want slips货袋提升器 bag elevator货袋收尘器 bag collector
Here is a list of my requirements . for which i ' d like to have your lowest quotations , cif sydney 这是购货单 ,希望你们报成本加运费保险费到悉尼的最低价。 Example 1 : orders from 1 to 4 shipping units , shipping from vancouver to the following cities 举例一以1至4个运货单 位units计算,由vancouver寄往以下城市 Example 2 : orders from 9 to 12 shipping units , shipping from vancouver to the following cities 举例二以9至12个运货单 位units计算,由vancouver寄往以下城市 Picking orders management : to generate the picking orders according to the outbound task and manage them 拣货单 管理:根据出库任务产生拣选单,并管理拣选单。 I order form duty wu registers card number to fill a fault , number is larger , how should i do 我把购货单 位的税务登记证号码填错了,数额比较大,我应该怎么办啊 Your cargo cannot be taken delivery of , because the customhouse has not yet stamped your bill of lading 你的货物还不能提取,因为海关尚未在你的是货单 上盖章。 Please record the total number of packages included in the shipment in section 5a of the worldwide services waybill 请在环球服务运货单 的5a区中记录该托运的包裹总数。 We had to work hard to get an order out of the americans but finally we were able to bring home the bacon 为了得到美国人的定货单 ,我们不得不拼命工作,不过最后我们还是成功了。 You can find detailed " how to prepare " instructions included on the reverse side of the ups worldwide services waybill 您可以在ups环球服务运货单 背面找到详细的如何准备说明。 A bill of lading is usualy made out in copies , some in duplicate , some in triplicate and some even in quadruplicate货单 通常不止一份,有的有两份,有的有三份,有的甚至是四份。
货单的法语 :名 liste des marchandises;connaissement货单的日语 :積荷明細書.货单的韩语 :[명사]〈상업〉 (1)인보이스(invoice). 하물 송장(荷物送狀). =[发fā(货)单] (2)적하 목록. (3)품목표. 상품 리스트. 出口货单; 수출 품목표 进口货单; 수입 품목표 解禁货单; 금수 해제 품목표 (4)(货单儿) 【속어】 상품 카탈로그.货单的俄语 :[huòdān] накладная; фактура; перечень товаров货单什么意思 :huòdān [manifest;shipping list] 货物清单