We also display posters on prevention and control of mosquitoes at country parks information boards and visitor centres . a film on dengue fever was also broadcasted to the public in all visitor centers 我们同时在郊野公园告示牌和访客中心内,张贴有关预防和控制蚊虫的海报,在访客中心内也会播放一套有关登革热的短片,希望市民加强防范。
Hku s cyberport institute : synergy with industry leaders produces it talents 28 06 2003 cyberport progresses in the new age of it official announcement on the completion of phase i and phase ii and opening of the visitor centre 27 06 2003 数码港迈向资讯科技新纪元工商及科技局局长正式宣布数码港i 、 ii期竣工及访客中心隆重开幕27 / 06 / 2003
Along with the announcement of the designation , there was also a proposal to spend a sum of about 423 million over five years for necessary land clearance , establishment of education visitor centers and conservation management 港府在设立拉姆萨尔湿地之馀,亦决定拨款港币4 . 23亿元在其后五年收购土地设立湿地教育及访客中心及进行存护管理。
Along with the announcement of the designation , there was also a proposal to spend a sum of about 423 million over five years for necessary land clearance , establishment of education visitor centers and conservation management . sunset over the deep bay wetlands 港府在设立拉姆萨尔湿地之馀,亦决定拨款港币4 . 23亿元在其后五年收购土地设立湿地教育及访客中心及进行存护管理。
The exhibition is part of a series of publicity programmes organised by the cyberport under the theme of " discovering the new age of it " . the events were specially designed to mark the opening of phases i and ii of the cyberport and to increase awareness of cyberport among different target groups 是次展览会是数码港以资讯科技新纪元为主题的推广项目之一,象征着数码港i及ii期的竣工及访客中心开幕,并希望可促进各界人士对数码港的认识及了解。
The exhibition is part of a series of publicity programmes organised by the cyberport under the theme of " discovering the new age of it " . the events were specially designed to mark the opening of phases i and ii of the cyberport and to increase awareness of cyberport among different target groups 是次展览会是数码港以资讯科技新纪元为主题的推广项目之一,象征着数码港i及ii期的竣工及访客中心开幕,并希望可促进各界人士对数码港的认识及了解。
The lantau link view point is located at the northwest corner of tsing yi island . it commands a magnificent panoramic view of the tsing ma bridge , the nearby kap shui mun bridge and the ting kau bridge . you may also have a look in the lantau link visitors centre for further information about these grand projects 青衣岛西北角的青屿干线观景台,饱览青马大桥及邻近的汲水门桥和汀九桥壮丽全景,亦可顺道参观访客中心内的有关展览,认识大型工程背后的种种资料。
In 2007 , the amo and the ping shan tang clan collaborated again for the opening of the ping shan tang clan gallery cum heritage trail visitors centre the centre . converted from the old ping shan police station built in 1899 , the centre introduces local folk culture and heritage along the trail 2007年,古物古迹办事处及屏山邓族再次携手合作,筹办屏山邓族文物馆暨文物径访客中心(文物馆) ,馆址原为建于1899年的旧屏山警署,馆内介绍屏山邓族的历史文物及文物径沿途古迹。
There is also green minibus 309m running between the tsing yi airport railway station and the lantau link visitors centre every saturday , sunday and on public holidays . the service departs the tsing yi station from 9 : 30am to 5pm and from the visitor s link from 10am to 6 : 30pm . the minibuses run every 60 minutes and cost hk 7 for a single journey ticket 逢星期六日及公众假期,您亦可乘搭309m线绿色小巴来往青衣地铁站和青屿干线访客中心,每60分钟一班,由上午9 : 30至下午5 : 00在青衣地铁站出发,回程的尾班车于下午6 : 30在青屿干线访客中心开出。