解放 liberate; emancipate 解放后 after liberation; 解放区 liberated area; 解放区工会 trade unions in the liberated area; 解放生产力 liberate the productive forces; emancipate the productive forces; unfetter the productive forces; unleash inhibited [pent-up] productivity; 解放思想 emancipate the mind; free oneself from old ideas; emancipate one's thinking; 解放前 before liberation; 把妇女从受歧视的待遇中解放出来 emancipate women from discriminative treatment; 获得最后解放 achieve final emancipation; 这部新机器将把我们从繁重劳动中解放出来。 this new machine will emancipate us from the hard work
128 " it is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit 常常宣称教育的目的是解放思想和灵魂,但现实中,形式教育总是趋向于限制我们的思想,而非解放他们。
For strengthening the scientific view of development in higher schools , we should change our concept in the way of emancipating the mind to do solid work 摘要高校深入落实科学发展观,需要在解放思想中转变观念,真抓实干。
( 2 ) open up new fields for investment , improve the investment environment greatly , make the ways of inviting investors more flexible 2 、进一步解放思想,提高认识,开拓投资新领域,大力改善投资环境,灵活招商方式方法。
People there should further emancipate their minds , enhance their self - development capabilities and explore a new path to accelerated development in reform and opening up 西部地区要进一步解放思想,增强自我发展能力,在改革开放中走出一条加快发展的新路。
After 1978 , with further steps of emancipation of the mind and teaching reform , the problem of the rbts has become a hot issue in education research in china 1978年以后,随着解放思想和教学改革的深入,师生关系问题成为我国教育理论研究的一个“热点” 。
Thus it is still an important task for hunan ideological and cultural circles to continually emancipate thought , accelerate opening up and abolish the thought of " valuing official titles " 所以继续解放思想、扩大开放和破除“官本位”思想,仍是湖南思想、文化界的重要任务。
They should play an exemplary role in studying diligently , using their brains , emancipating their minds , keeping pace with the times and boldly engaging in practice and innovation 重要思想,成为勤奋学习善于思考的模范,解放思想与时俱进的模范,勇于实践锐意创新的模范。