1.[书面语] (行伍之间) in army service 2.(行与行之间) between the lines ◇行间锄草 inter-row hoeing; 行间隔 string space (=row pitch); 行间耕作 row-crop work; 行间间隙 interline gap; 行间中耕机 row-crop cultivator; 行间作物 row crop
The algorithm included three steps : firstly , the text sub - region was selected adaptively according to the feature that the edges contained in text regions was stronger than those in non - text regions ; secondly , the blank bars between two text lines were extracted by blank blocks searching ; thirdly , the skew angle of blank bar was calculated by directional fitting , and this skew angle was just the document skew angle 该方法首先通过对梯度图像的统计分析,自适应地选取到了包含文字的特征子区;在特征子区内,论文把文字行间的空白条带看作一条隐含的线,用优化理论计算出空白条带的倾斜角度,这也就是文本的倾斜角度。
Current tv system has two types : one is the 60hz based system , the other is the 50hz . the phenomenon of large area flicker is not obvious in the 60hz based system , so the scanning converter uses the way of converting the 60hz and 50hz based interlaced scanning signal to 60hz based progressive scanning signal . employing this way the converter can not only reduce the large area flicker and interline twitter , but erase the raster and display finer and smoother pictures 现行的电视制式有60hz和50hz系统两种,在60hz系统里,大面积闪烁不是很明显,因而本扫描转换器采用将60hz和50hz的隔行扫描信号统一处理成60hz的逐行扫描信号的方法,这样可一方面使大面积闪烁和行间闪烁都比较轻,又可消除行结构,重现细腻图像。
( 3 ) due to the handwriting image may contain lines of different height and the different spacing between words and lines . these factors will influence the veracity of texture extraction . so i advance a method to normalize the handwriting image , which combine the horizonal projection profile method , vertical projection profile method and padding method ( 3 )为了去除行间距、字间距、不同行高等不带书写人笔迹风格而影响特征提取准确性的因素,论文对笔迹图像的范化问题进行了研究,提出了一种将水平投影法、垂直投影法和字块拼接法结合的笔迹字块归一化的方法,使归一化操作一次完成,同时保证了笔迹文本内容的完整性。
The coordinate systems and time systems are described in detail at first , then the paper presents the whole algorithm containing line of sight generation and projection attitude data combination scan mirror calibration , find corresponding grid cell , resample . at the same time , scan gaps and detector delays are analyzed in detail 论文首先对校正过程中用到的时间系统和坐标系统作了介绍,然后给出了完整的校正算法,包括视线产生和投影、姿态合成、扫描镜校正、寻找校正图像空间像素到未校正图像空间的对应像素位置、重采样这几个部分,并在相邻扫描行间隙的插值上采用了简洁的方法。