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In the meanwhile , we have a crew in the villa where the real heist takes place 在这同时,我们派一组人马到实际要行窃的山庄里去
The lads say they ' re going to crack a crib on that new expensive housing estate 这几个小伙子说,他们打算在那个新的豪华住宅区内入屋行窃。
I wondered how the thief could manage to carry out his crime without other passengers seeing 但我只想知道,小偷是如何避开众人耳目而行窃得手的。
Nobody can steal a player ' s possessions ; therefore , you do not need to be afraid of this possibility 没有人可以入室行窃,所以你不用担心会出现这种情况。
Startled , the burglar looks around the room . no one there at all , so he goes back to his business 非常吃惊地,夜贼环视了一下房间。什麽也没有,他继续他的行窃活动。
I accept that he was caught shoplifting but there ' s no need to keep rubbing his nose in it 我承认他在冒充顾客进商店行窃时被抓住过,但也没必要老是提起他的过失行为。
The theft may have been a prank or targeted deliberately for sale to a collector , police said 警方透露,窃贼的作案动机可能是恶作剧,或者专为特定的某一名收藏家行窃。
The daring attempt to rob the count was the topic of conversation throughout paris for the next fortnight 歹徒潜入伯爵府企图行窃这回事,是在此后的两星期内成了全巴黎的谈话中心。
However , the more awkward the pricing , the more unlikely those thieving till - jockeys are to be able to pull off the trick 然而,价格定得越是不便,那些依靠操纵钱柜行窃的人就越不可能得逞。