

  • 形容词
    1.(形容水流清澈) (of water ) clear; limpid
    2.(形容风疾) (of wind) swift



  • 例句与用法
  • Or stone , chrysanthemum , a stone shaped like chrysanthemums found on the bottom of daxi river , yonghe town , liuyang city is shaped 20 miurcn years ago and it is a rare valuable stone in the world
  • He began reading of the sufferings and the virtuous struggles of a certain amlie de mansfeld . and what did she struggle against her seducer for ? he thought , when she loved him
    他开始阅关于阿梅莉德芒费尔德的痛苦为维护高尚品德而奋斗的叙述。 “当她正爱着那个引诱她的男人的时候,干嘛她又要和他作斗争? ”
  • In order to securely access your card account information or membership rewards information or register for online services via the internet , we recommend you use the latest browser versions available
  • This new statutory planning portal provides a one - stop service for browsing statutory plans as well as records of planning applications , requests for amendments and objections to statutory plans . the new service is accessible at
  • More information on tb is available from the department s tuberculosis and chest service hotline at 2572 6024 . members of the public can also visit the website jointly developed by the department of health and the hospital authority at
    市民如想取得更多有关结核病的资料,可致电生署胸肺科热2572 6024 ,或由生署和医院管理局联合制作的网页
  • Liuyang bingshan fireworks manufacturing co . , ltd , originated from former liuyang bingshan export fireworks factory which was established in 1995 , is a large - scale private enterprise that integrates production and distribution
  • Expressway adjacent to suzhou - kunshan expressway , coastal expressway , shanghai - jiading expressway , shanghai - nanjing expresway , suzhou - jiaxing - hangzhou expressway and connect national road 204 and 312 , shanghai - taicang first class road etc
    高速公路紧邻苏昆太高速公路、沿江高速公路、沪嘉高速公路、沪宁高速公路、苏嘉杭高速公路。并连接204国道、 312国道、沪太一级公路等。
  • Liuyang heaven fireworks co . , ltd . is a professional enterprise that integrates production , scientific research and export trade of fireworks firecrackers . our factories are located at the hometown of china fireworks - liuyang city of hunan province
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 浏的法语:形 <书> 1.clair;limpide 2.rapide(le vent)
  • 浏的日语:浏liú 〈書〉 (1)水流のすき透っているさま. (2)風がかすめ通るさま.
  • 浏的韩语:(1)[형용사]【문어】 물이 맑고 투명한 모양. (2)[형용사]【문어】 바람이 세찬 모양. (3)[동사]【초기백화】 몰래 달아나다. (4)지명에 쓰이는 글자. 浏河; 유하 [강소성(江蘇省)에 있는 강] =娄Lóu江
  • 浏的俄语:= 浏
  • 浏什么意思:(瀏) liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ 1)水清澈:~溧。~滥(清净)。 2)明朗:“诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而~亮”。 3)大略地看:~览。 ·参考词汇: clear swift 浏阳 浏览
  • 推荐英语阅读
浏的英文翻译,浏英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译浏,浏的英文意思,瀏的英文浏 meaning in English瀏的英文浏怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
