

音标:[ yǒuzēngwújiǎn ]   发音:
  • there is increase but no decrease.; grow more and more



  • 例句与用法
  • For example , gansu financial professional school , while senior middle school continue to large . students source , technical secondary students in both quality and quantity cut down seriously , at the same time
  • George muller , “ the vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the bible in our life and thoughts . . . . i have read the bible through 100 times , and always with increasing delight
    乔治慕勒:我们属灵生命活力的多少,正与圣经在我们生命和思想中所占的位置成正比… …我读圣经已不下百遍,那份喜悦仍是有增无减
  • " even though there was a typhoon during the public sale and many outdoor booths were closed , our volunteers showed their enthusiasm and dedication by selling as many cakes as possible to help the needy
  • With levels of equity volatility staying relatively low and a marginally steeper us yield curve , appetite for riskier and cyclical asset classes continued , allowing the msci asia ex - japan to rise 3 . 42 % ( in usd terms )
    股市波动相对稳定,美国债券收益率曲线又变得陡峭,市场对高风险、周期性资产的兴趣有增无减,摩根士丹利资本国际亚洲(日本除外)指数上涨了3 . 42 % (以美元计) 。
  • However , in the light of the ever - rising community aspiration for greater transparency and public participation in the planning process , we are mindful of striking a proper balance between efficiency and transparency in the process
  • Although the sewage disposal proportion has been improved a lot , discharge of the untreated sewage is still increasing due to the enlarging sewage amount , therefore it is still too early to be optimistic about the prospect of the hydro - environment
  • Although the sewage disposal proportion has been improved a lot , discharge of the untreated sewage is still increasing due to the enlarging sewage amount , therefore it is still too early to be optimistic about the prospect of the hydro - environment
  • Thus , he and a group of village friends who shared the same ideal formed a spiritual group to focus on spiritual learning and serve the local community . they gave their best effort where help was needed , either in sharing doctrines or building houses
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 有增无减的日语:ふえるいっぽう 増える一 方
  • 有增无减的韩语:【성어】 증가할 뿐 줄지는 않다; 증가 일로에 있다. 各工厂的产量有增无减; 각 공장의 생산량은 증가 일로에 있다 =[有增无已]
  • 有增无减的俄语:[yǒu zēng wú jiǎn] обр. непрерывно возрастать [расти]
  • 有增无减什么意思有增无减 基本解释:事物的量或程度只是增长、加深,而不减少、降低。
  • 推荐英语阅读
有增无减的英文翻译,有增无减英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译有增无减,有增无减的英文意思,有增無減的英文有增无减 meaning in English有增無減的英文有增无减怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
