final; ultimate ◇最终裁定 absolute decree; 最终裁决 final ruling; 最终产品 [工业] final products; end product; end item; 最终结果 final outcome; 最终目的地 final destination; 最终判决 conclusive judgement; 最终卸货港 final port of discharge; 最终需要 ultimate demand; 最终用户 final user; final customer
His radio equipment was bound to give him away eventually . 他的这套无线电设备最终 肯定会使他暴露的。 Bertha would eventually become the dutiful and submissive spouse . 伯莎最终 会成为那种本分驯良的妻子。 There was no dispute over making good its losses eventually . 对于最终 必须补充它的损失这一点没有争论。 You will land up in prison , if you continue to act in this way . 如果你继续这样做下去,你最终 得入狱。 She wants to be in at the kill when his business finally collapses . 她想在他的公司最终 倒台时亲临现场。 Finally he found out how to refine iron and other metals with fire .最终 他发现了如何用火炼铁及其它金属。 The bottom-line test of any economic system is whether it works . 对任何经济制度的最终 检验要看其是否有效。 Eventually the project was written off as a government loss .最终 ,这次计划被当作政府的一个失败而勾销了。 Where we find any reflections at all determines the lattice type . 只要最终 发现任何反射,就可确定点阵类型。 The presently known particles are the ultimate building blocks of matter . 目前已知的粒子是物质的最终 构件。
最终的法语 :形 final;définitif;ultime~目的but final.最终的日语 :最終の.いちばん終わりの. 最终结果/最終の結果. 最终目的/最終の目的.最终的韩语 :[명사][형용사] 맨 마지막(의). 최종(의). 최후(의). 궁극(의). 最终目的; 최종 목적. 궁극 목적 最终地消除; 궁극적으로 청산하다最终的俄语 :[zuìzhōng] конечный 最终产品 [zuìzhōng chǎnpǐn] эк. — конечный продукт最终什么意思 :zuìzhōng 最后;末了:~目的。