宗族 tribe; clansman; 同族 the same clan; 合族 all the members of a clan; the whole clan2.(古代的一种酷刑) a death penalty in ancient china, imposed on an offender and his whole family,or even the families of his mother and wife 3.(种族; 民族) race; nationality
斯拉夫族 the slav nationality; 蒙古族 the mongolian race4.(事物有某种共同属性的一大类) a class of things with common features or attribute
水族 aquatic animals; 猫族 the cat tribe; 语族 a family of languages; 碳族 carbon family
The gentes of the iroquois will be taken as the standard exemplification of this institution in the ganowanian family . 我们要用易洛魁人的氏族作为加诺万尼亚族系这种制度的典型例子。
Wisconsin's independent, maverick, polyglot nature was firmly established by 1848, the year it became a state . 威斯康星的独立不羁、自行其是、多族裔的特性是于1848年它成为一个州时就牢固形成的。
This monograph is focused primarily upon wind effects on large launch vehicles as represented by the family of saturn vehicles . 这个专著,主要集中研究大型发射飞行器上风的影响,以“土星族”飞行器为代表。
In one more meaningless battle over cattle , 在又一次毫无意义的蛮族之战中被毁掉
The aristocratic consciousness in lu ji s poemssun mingjun 陆机诗歌中的士族意识