比方 analogy; example; for example; instance 打比方 draw an analogy; 比方说 suppose; let us say; 拿盖房子作比方 take for instance the building of a house; 拿学游泳作比方 take swimming for example; 这不过是个比方。 this is only by way of analogy.; this is just an analogy
When we go to a movie , for example , we see a movie but the music creates enormous affect in a scene , so what i ' m trying to find out is what these secondary conditions are , those things which are not primary like image , function etc 打个比方,我们去看电影的时候,我们看的是那个图像,但是音乐却对我的感官制造了非常巨大的效果,所以我在我的作品里面想找到的,就是这些除却图像,功能这些第一元素之外的第二元素。
Ogryns are in no way a match for a man in terms of intellect or foresight ( for example , they will not have been issued woth a copy of this hand book , because they undoubtedly would not understand a single word ) but they can smash any enemy foolish to stand in the way with their bare hands 欧根蛮人在智力或是预见能力上都无法与常人相提并论(打个比方,你现在阅读的这本书将不会被发放到欧根人的手里,因为他们根本连上面的一个词都不认识) ,但他们却可以轻易将任何蠢到胆敢赤手空拳挡在他们面前的敌人打得落花流水。