I have been blessed by god , ? akiane said . ? and if i ? m blessed , there is one reason only , and that is to help others . “我一直受到上帝的恩赐”阿基安娜说。 “如果说,我受恩宠于上帝的话,基于这一理由,我也祝福别人和帮助别人” 。
What a gift christ bestowed on us when he gave us the right to say : " father ! " " the father of christ , " " our father , " " my father . 耶稣降世,作为世人的赎价,使我们得以与天父和好,能够靠着?也得称上帝为阿爸父,这是何等大的恩宠。
But , said he , or it be long too she will bring forth by god his bounty and have joy of her childing for she hath waited marvellous long 利奥波德稍长几岁,遂文雅恳切地启口云: “承蒙天主恩宠,伊即将安产,喜得婴孩,伊已等候甚久矣。 ”
Every word of god , every divine promise , demands a response from us . at the very least , we must not do anything to hinder gods favour resting on us 天主的每一句话,每个许诺,都要我们,有所回应至少,不作任何亏心事,妨碍天主的恩宠。
She said that he had a fair sweet death through god his goodness with masspriest to be shriven , holy housel and sick men s oil to his limbs 护士云:蒙上主恩宠,彼临终已向主持弥撒之神父忏悔,并领圣体。病体被涂以圣油,获得清清白白之善终。
And the children of foreigners will build up your walls , and their kings will minister to you ; for in my wrath i struck you , but in my favor i had compassion on you 10外邦人必建筑你的城墙,他们的王必服事你;因为我虽曾在怒中击打你,现今却在恩宠中怜恤你。
May god our father and the lord jesus christ give us grace and peace . anyone who is in christ is a new creation ; the old has gone , the new is here 愿天主我们的父和基督我们的主,赐予我们恩宠与平安。无论谁,在基督内必要成为新人,旧的已过去,都成了新的。
What sunshine is to flowers , smiles are to humanity . they are trifles , to be sure , but scattered along life ' s pathway , the good they do is inconceivable 微笑对人类之赐予有如阳光对花朵之恩宠。它们的确是细微的,但却遍布生命之路。微笑的好处,实在是无可估量。
The favour was too much to bear ; in an instant the barrier of dust and chaff that had stood surprisingly long , went to the winds , and saint antoine had got him 这样的恩宠太过分了,不能容忍。那些留在他身边碍手碍脚为时太久的废物全都给轰走了,圣安托万抓住了他!
In order to gain an indulgence , one must renounce all attachment to sin , even venial sin , and be in the state of grace at least at the completion of the prescribed works 为获得大赦,信友必须放弃对罪恶包括小罪的任何依恋,并至少于完成指定的善工时,处于恩宠状况。