

  • guichet
  • kokado
  • komon
  • koudo
  • wicket gate



  • 例句与用法
  • The old servant introduced morrel by a private entrance , closed the door of the study , and soon the rustling of a dress announced the arrival of valentine
    那个老仆人领着莫雷尔从一扇小门里进去,书斋的门关上以后,不多会儿就传来一阵衣裙的? ?声,这就等于是宣告瓦朗蒂娜到来了。
  • Jesus takes this illustration from the shepherds in the holy land who build fences in circles about forty inches high with a small gap big enough for an entryway for the sheep
  • Specially fit for glass door the available gap : 17mm , the available depth : 36mm the depth of hemline is 3 . 5mm dimension : 90 45 25 mm weight : 240g
    双开小门夹配合jdy系列电插锁使用特别适用于玻璃门可夹宽度17mm ,可夹深度36mm ,有垫片可选底边厚度: 3 . 5mm外形尺寸: 904525mm重量: 240g
  • Ddr256m others : video card net card multi - media could be made at the request of customers ; open the side door to expose optical drive , floppy disk drive , atx switch and audio switch
    其他显卡网卡多媒体配置可按用户要求定制侧开小门,打开后可露出光驱,软驱, atx开关及音响调节开关
  • On opening the little door , two hairy monsters flew at my throat , bearing me down and extinguishing the light ; while a mingled guffaw from heathcliff and hareton , put the copestone on my rage and humiliation
  • Tisoma gmbh maschinenbau und industrieservice - the delivery program covers turning devices , special tool machines and industrial furnaces as well as vacuum furnaces and agitator ball mills
  • Just then sherburn steps out on to the roof of his little front porch , with a double - barrel gun in his hand , and takes his stand , perfectly ca m and deliberate , not saying a word
  • I hid my eyes , and leant my head against the stone frame of my door ; but soon a slight noise near the wicket which shut in my tiny garden from the meadow beyond it made me look up
  • Its just here , she said , and running across a yard , she opened a little gate in a paling - fence , and stopping short , pointed out to pierre a small wooden lodge , which was blazing away brightly
    “在这儿。 ”这姑娘说,跑过院子,打开了木栅栏的小门,然后停下来,指给皮埃尔看一间不很大的正熊熊燃烧着的木耳房。
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