

  • real time control system
  • real-time control system



  • 例句与用法
  • This paper studies the graphical real - time control system design software ( grtcs ) , people can design and implement the real - time algorithm based on graphical method with it . the only thing designers should do is draw flow chart with components representing the common objects , such as task interrupt message message box and the common actions between them , the corresponding program will be auto generated , any amending can be done in the chart and grtcs will do the change by itself
    本文所研究的图形化实时控制系统设计软件( grtcs )以图形化的方式进行实时算法的设计和实现,设计者只需面向代表任务、中断、消息、信箱等实时控制中的一般对象,以及这些对象间一般操作的组件进行图形化设计, grtcs将自动生成相应的目标程序代码框架,并且对系统的任何变动都可基于图形设计界面进行, grtcs能够自动进行相应的改动。
  • This paper , from the point of view of the whole system at first , analyzes the basic requirements in network environments . and then gives a general architecture of this system . when studying the control technologies and monitor technologies of this system , different requirements and architectures are discussed respectively and at the same time the realization methods are also given
  • This paper also deals with swing - up and stabilizing control of the cart - pendulum system , which moving on stricted track and driving by single motor . many simulation researches on the control of inverted pendulum have been using matlab and simulink under the guidance of human simulating intelligent control ( hsic ) theory , we study control algorithms and design the real - time control system
  • This paper analyses the problems that current implementation of complex real - time control system faces , and puts forward a new method that realizing complex real - time control systems based on hierarchical and distributed control modules in addition , it establishes the structure of control module , and explains the implementation method of control module in detail
  • In the end , it describes the design of the microwave feeding systems of rfss , the application of a kind of software model based on mfc ( microsoft foundation classes ) and rtx in the design of rfss . the results of the experiments prove that this model based on real - time extension can solve the problem of windows2000 using as platform for rfss
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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