A sensuous thriller based on the best selling novel by matsumoto seicho , shadow of deception depicts the maddest kind of love and primitive desires of humankind , with a striking performance by iwashita shima 他想到要把痴缠的奈美子推下悬崖爱与情欲的交缠,造成一段覆水难收的孽恋。
Five years ago , minako spent a night with sozo , younger brother of her husband . she later divorced and re - married a rich old man , but sozo is the only one who can gratify her lusts and capture her heart 年轻貌美的奈美子岩下志麻跟拈花野草的丈夫离婚后,改嫁富有的花甲老翁庆太郎三国连太郎。
Their adultery is soon witnessed and sozo , who has married the daughter of his respected teacher and is attached to earthly success , decides to bring an end to their relationship by killing minako . . 修读人类学的江村迎娶了大学教授的女儿,一心想当上副教授。为了自己辛苦建立的名声和前途,江村决心与奈美子一刀两断。
Although no comparable studies of humans have been conducted , wai yee wong and his colleagues at the university medical center of nijmegen in the netherlands have recently reported that folic acid treatment can boost the sperm counts of men with fertility problems 没有人以人类做过类似实验,但是荷兰奈美根大学医学中心的翁伟义(音译)与同事最近报告:生育能力有问题的男性,要是服用叶酸,精子数量会增加。