Xu , g . , w . wang , j . t . groves , and m . h . hecht . " self - assembled monolayers from a designed combinatorial library of de novo beta - sheet proteins . " proc natl acad sci u s a . 98 , ( 2001 ) : 3652 - 7 属新贝它摺版蛋白之设计组合化学库中之自我组装单层膜刊于《美国国家科学院刊》 98 , ( 2001 ) : 3652 - 7
The national academy of sciences says greenhouse gases have increased significantly since the industrial revolution , mostly from the burning of fossil fuels for energy , industry and transportation 国家科学院指出温室气体在工业革命后明显剧增,很多是来自于燃烧矿石燃料,工业生产和交通运输。
Richard wolfenden , an enzyme maven at the university of north carolina at chapel hill , and his colleagues published that finding in a recent proceedings of the national academy of sciences usa 不久前,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的酵素专家沃尔芬登与同事在《美国国家科学院学报》发表这项发现。
The national academy of sciences says greenhouse gases have increased significantly since the industrial revolution , mostly from the burning of fossil fuels for energy , industry and transportation 国家科学院表示温室气体自工业革命以来急剧增加,大多数是因燃烧化石燃料来提供能源,工业和运输业。
Raven calls dresselhaus a “ foremost role model . ” director of the missouri botanical garden and current president of the aaas , raven was secretary of the national academy when dresselhaus was treasurer 瑞文是密苏里植物园园长,现任美国科学促进协会会长,崔瑟豪斯在国家科学院担任财务长时,瑞文是秘书长。
The latest was a panel from the national academy of sciences , enlisted by the white house , to tell us that the earth ? s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man ? made 最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批来自国家科学院的专家,这些专家告诉我们地球气候确实在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。
The global trend toward higher divorce rates has created more households with fewer people , scientists at michigan state university reported in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences 密歇根州立大学的科学家们在《国家科学院院刊》上发表研究报告称,全球离婚率日益上升导致家庭数量增多,家庭成员减少。
The national academy of sciences says greenhouse gases have increased significantly since the industrial revolution , mostly from the burning of fossil fuels for energy , industry and transportation 国家科学院科研人员表示,温室气体从工业革命起便急剧增加,多数是因为能源、工业、交通运输发展燃烧矿石燃料而产生的。
Reintroducing marine fare to condors ' diets might create self - sustaining populations , the group suggests in the november 15 , 2005 , proceedings of the national academy of sciences usa 该研究小组发表于2005年11月15日《美国国家科学院学报》的论文指出:重新将海产引进秃鹰的饮食当中,可能有助于建立自给自足的秃鹰族群。
The latest was a panel from the national academy of sciences , enlisted by the white house , to tell us that the earth ? s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man ? made 译文最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批来自国家科学院的专家,这些专家告诉我们地球气候确实在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。