

  • crabbily
  • crossways
  • doggedly
  • frowardly
  • obstinate
  • persistently



  • 例句与用法
  • Till within a week of her death that gay heart never failed her , and her husband persisted doggedly , nay , furiously , in affirming her health improved every day
  • But a few the people who is fettered by old conventions opposes this reformation , this gives a gift one day , celebrate new year obstinately on april 1 as before according to old chinese calendar
  • " i am accused of being overreligious , " she said in her quiet , frank manner , " but that does not prevent me thinking the children very cruel who obstinately commit such suicide .
    “有人指责我太虔诚, ”她安详而又坦率地说道, “尽管这样,孩子们这样固执地去自杀,我还是觉得太残酷了。 ”
  • It is said that many romantic young people stubbornly try to live a life as the way displayed in television series and romantic comics which is dreamlike
  • He made no reply to this adjuration ; only plodding doggedly down the wooden steps , and halting before an apartment which , from that halt and the superior quality of its furniture , i conjectured to be the best one
  • He dwelt on this idea for a moment , then it appeared reality . he even thought he could perceive something on the ground at a distance ; he ventured to call , and it seemed to him that the wind wafted back an almost inarticulate sigh
  • Some insisted she was making for corsica , others the island of elba ; bets were offered to any amount that she was bound for spain ; while africa was positively reported by many persons as her intended course ; but no one thought of monte cristo
  • There were trips to the local hospital , about which gregor was adamantly mysterious , and spells when veronica was hidden within her house , suffering from complaints that her husband , showing up at parties by himself , refused to name
  • This toy boy accidentally went to the cemetery , not turn he still stubbornly go on , you can help him , why he let the smooth roads , using props can be used to the game and goblins skeleton , toys for boys immersed in a daydream about it
  • Introduction : this toy boy accidentally went to the cemetery , not turn he still stubbornly go on , you can help him , why he let the smooth roads , using props can be used to the game and goblins skeleton , toys for boys immersed in a daydream about it
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