Hume ' s view is of important significance for his whole philosophy system : firstly , his investigation into causality expounds and proves the absurdity of metaphysics , and makes necessary preparations for his ultimate aim of philosophy which is to build up a system of science of human nature ; secondly , from his view of causation , hume draws the central essential of his theory of knowledge which is an important part of his system ; thirdly , flume ' s investigation into causality moves a further step to his view against abstraction and his resistance of ontological problems 这一理论对其整个哲学体系的构建具有重要意义:首先,通过对因果性问题的考察,休谟论证了形而上学的荒谬性,为达到其哲学的最终目的即建立人性科学体系作了必要准备;其次,通过因果观,休谟引出了作为自己哲学体系的一个重要组成部分即知识论的中心内容;再次,休谟还通过因果观进一步论证了他的反抽象论及对本体论问题的“存疑” 。