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  • 例句与用法
  • Allow the pill to soak on bottom for 4 ~ 6 hours . add and maintain 2 pounds per barrel of check - loss to the active circulating system
    要让这种堵漏剂在井底渗透4 ~ 6小时,然后在循环系统中,再按每桶钻井液加两磅切克劳斯的比例加完,以便维护堵漏性能。
  • This time a year ago , bryant was begging buss and kupchak to trade bynum for kidd , a mistake that would ' ve haunted the lakers for a decade
  • Perhaps most important , kupchak stayed quiet when kobe and buss bickered in training camp . that controversy , at least for now , has finally died down
  • According to a report in the los angeles times on thursday , bryant apologized to los angeles lakers general manager mitch kupchak for publicly demanding a trade on may 30
  • Although many men would tell you they ' re always in the mood , havlieek and colleagues discovered that men find odors during the follicular phase the most attractive and least intense
  • " we were interested whether armpit odor changes across menstrual cycle , " said study author jan havlieek of the department of anthropology at charles university , prague
    扬哈夫利切克是这项研究的参与者之一,他说: “我们对女性的体味是否会在月经周期中发生改变这个问题很感兴趣。
  • When she said that tomas wasn ' t there and she didn ' t know when he ' d be back , the woman on the other end of the line started laughing and , without saying good - bye , hung up .
  • And lakers fans should be terrified that buss is feeling the same way about mitch kupchak and jim buss , whom he pointedly defended while meeting with reporters in hawaii
  • Many of the lakers were down and out , really in no mood for exit meetings with phil jackson and mitch kupchak after another early playoff elimination last may
  • If the lakers ' best - case scenario continues , the credit will belong as much as anyone to kupchak , who drafted farmar at no . 26 in 2006 and bynum at no . 10 in 2005
    如果湖人以最好的状态一直持续下去的话,功劳的大部分将属于库普切克,他分别在2006年第26位选中砝码、 2005年第10顺位选中拜纳姆。
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