Little by little, reading in edward's mind, bertha discovered to her delight an unexpected purity . 逐渐地,由于对爱德华内心的观察,伯莎高兴的发现了一种意外的纯洁。
Shuddering in his efforts to repress a yawn of nervousness, he asked in his flat northern voice . 他不禁战栗了一下,尽力克制着内心的紧张,用他那起伏不大的北方腔调问道。
I descended a little on the side of that delicious vale, surveying it with a secret kind of pleasure . 我沿着这个风景秀丽的山坡往下走了一段路,怀着一种内心的喜悦眺望着它。
Throughout her life she has hidden her insecurities behind a facade of, at times, overweening self-confidence . 在她一生中,她常常靠摆出泰然自若的样子,来掩饰内心的犹豫不定。
One boy, who lived across the street, called on me one afternoon and his self-consciousness betrayed him . 一天下午住在大街对面儿的一个男孩子来看我,他那忸怩不安的表现泄露了他内心的想法。
Their long, curled hair and gay coloured clothe were the outward expression of an inward gaiety and love of the beautiful . 他们那卷曲的长发和颜色鲜艳的服装,表现出他们内心的欢乐和爱美的心理。
As smith spilled out his fears and frustrations, conley alternately played the roles of friend, protector and confidant . 在史密斯倾吐内心的恐惧与不平时,康利不时地扮演了朋友,保护人和知心人的角色。
He dropped down on his knees, and put them one by one together, smelling at the pinks, to hide the violence of his feelings . 他双膝跪在地上,把花儿一朵一朵地捡起来,嗅着石竹花,借此掩饰他内心的激动。
He was laughing in order to hide a great anxiety: and was screwing his courage inwardly to face the ordeal which he knew was now before him . 为了掩饰内心的不安,他放声大笑,拼命鼓足勇气,准备迎接面临的考验。
A man will lay down his head, or peril his life for his honour, but let us be shy how we ask him to give up his ease or his heart's desire . 一个人为了荣誉,可以抛头颅,洒热血,可是我们千万别要求他放弃舒适的生活或内心的欲望。