

音标:[ biànqì ]   发音:
  • wc pan



  • 例句与用法
  • 2005 4 over 500 glazes protection emergency repairing remodeling glazing reglazing refinishing of luxurious washlet ; pedestal sink tub and bathtub s project - crowne plaza shanghai
  • By now , in the ceramic sanitary wares industry , manual methods are still widely applied in the developing processes of new products , resulting in long developing period and high cost
  • A gunman identified as joe jackson fatally shot 3 people and held a hostage at gunpoint in chicago over what authorities are calling a patent dispute surrounding a toilet seat invention
  • Purpose : widely being suible for washing room with closestool , such as in home , hotel , hospital , airport pubic toilet , which is the appropriate product necessarily for home living and travel
  • A gunman identified as joe jackson fatally shot 3 people and held a hostage at gunpoint in chicago over what authorities are calling a patent dispute surrounding a toilet seat invention
  • The conceptual design of the toilet seat based on qfd , through investigation into customer requirements and analysis , house of quality composed of customer requirements and technical measures is generated
  • In this paper , the flush function is divided into two aspects . one is the process flushing the inner wall of the closet bowl ; the other is the discharge of the dirty objects under the action of water flow
  • After going to investigate in shanghai 、 beijing 、 tianjing 、 chengdu railway station and carefully browsing the design data of the collecting container of bw , this article ascertains a forecasting formula on wastewater quantity
  • This text introduces to drive to proceed together a method for proceeding communication in vb , elaborating on the machine of pc with the single a machine communication in intelligence sat urinal circuit board examine a patient of application
  • In the course of the argument cannonballs , scimitars , boomerangs , blunderbusses , stinkpots , meatchoppers , umbrellas , catapults , knuckledusters , sandbags , lumps of pig iron were resorted to and blows were freely exchanged
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 其他语种释义
  • 便器的法语:pissoir urinoir pissotière
  • 便器的日语:べんき 1 便 器 【名】 (大小便)便器
  • 便器的韩语:[명사] 변기. →[便壶] [便桶]
  • 便器的俄语:pinyin:biànqì урильник, ночной горшок
  • 便器什么意思:便溺之器, 尿壶。    ▶ 《西京杂记》卷四: “ 汉 朝以玉为虎子, 以为便器。”    ▶ 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语‧简傲》: “ 谢万 在兄前, 欲起索便器。”
  • 便器とは意味:便器 べんき bedpan chamber pot urinal
  • 推荐英语阅读
便器的英文翻译,便器英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译便器,便器的英文意思,便器的英文便器 meaning in English便器的英文便器怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
