2005 4 over 500 glazes protection emergency repairing remodeling glazing reglazing refinishing of luxurious washlet ; pedestal sink tub and bathtub s project - crowne plaza shanghai 超过500件连体座便器;高级浴缸;洗手盆的釉面保护釉面损坏修补釉面翻新工程在
By now , in the ceramic sanitary wares industry , manual methods are still widely applied in the developing processes of new products , resulting in long developing period and high cost 目前,国内包括坐便器在内的大多数卫生陶瓷洁具新产品的设计开发仍以手工为主,开发周期长、成本高。
A gunman identified as joe jackson fatally shot 3 people and held a hostage at gunpoint in chicago over what authorities are calling a patent dispute surrounding a toilet seat invention 在芝加哥,一名持枪歹徒在一个坐便器发明专利的研讨会上枪杀了3个人并挟持了一名人质,该持枪歹徒被确认为乔.杰克逊。
Purpose : widely being suible for washing room with closestool , such as in home , hotel , hospital , airport pubic toilet , which is the appropriate product necessarily for home living and travel 专利产品,一次性纸质坐便垫,广泛适用用于家庭、宾馆、医院、公侧等,有坐便器的卫生间场所,是家居旅行必备佳品。
A gunman identified as joe jackson fatally shot 3 people and held a hostage at gunpoint in chicago over what authorities are calling a patent dispute surrounding a toilet seat invention 一名持枪歹徒在芝加哥的一个卫生间坐便器发明专利的研讨会上枪杀了3个人并挟持了一名人质,该持枪歹徒被确认为乔.杰克逊。
The conceptual design of the toilet seat based on qfd , through investigation into customer requirements and analysis , house of quality composed of customer requirements and technical measures is generated 坐便器坐垫的概念设计?依据qfd原理,通过对用户需求的调查分析,建立了由用户需求和技术措施构成的质量屋。
In this paper , the flush function is divided into two aspects . one is the process flushing the inner wall of the closet bowl ; the other is the discharge of the dirty objects under the action of water flow 针对其功能,本文将坐便器的冲水过程分解为两方面进行研究,其一是对水包内壁的冲刷过程,另外则是在水流冲力作用下的排污过程。
After going to investigate in shanghai 、 beijing 、 tianjing 、 chengdu railway station and carefully browsing the design data of the collecting container of bw , this article ascertains a forecasting formula on wastewater quantity 本文通过在北京、上海、天津、济南、成都铁路局的现场调研及仔细查阅集便器的设计资料,得出旅客列车粪便污水的水量预测公式。
This text introduces to drive to proceed together a method for proceeding communication in vb , elaborating on the machine of pc with the single a machine communication in intelligence sat urinal circuit board examine a patient of application 摘要本文介绍了在vb中驱动并行口进行通讯的方法,详细说明了pc机和单片机通讯在智能坐便器电路板诊断中的应用。
In the course of the argument cannonballs , scimitars , boomerangs , blunderbusses , stinkpots , meatchoppers , umbrellas , catapults , knuckledusters , sandbags , lumps of pig iron were resorted to and blows were freely exchanged 在争辩的过程中,使用了炮弹单刃短弯刀往返飞镖210老式大口径短程霰弹枪便器绞肉机雨伞弹弓指关节保护套211沙袋铣铁块等武器,尽情地相互大打出手。