Shadow hunter - cunning hero , adept at healing magics and voodoo curses . can learn healing wave , hex , serpent ward and big bad voodoo . attacks land and air units 暗影猎手-灵敏的英雄,擅长治疗法术和诅咒巫术.可以学习治疗波,巫术,毒蛇守卫和巫毒.攻击地面和空中单位
The slender loris has been hunted for centuries in sri lanka for its purported qualities as an aphrodisiac , asthma cure and as a kind of living voodoo doll 有传言说这种生活在斯里兰卡的细长懒猴具有壮阳及治疗哮喘的作用,因此数百年来它们一直难逃被人们猎杀的厄运。
Also , eggs attract negativity . those who practice voodoo know this . they use eggs to attract entities from people when they want to cast out negative spirits from some possessed person 巫师都知道这个道理,所以如果他们要帮着魔的人驱魔,就用蛋把那个人里面的邪灵吸出来。
That s why many people of the black and white magicians field , or many voodoo people - so - called voodoo - they use eggs to draw some of the entities from possessed persons . if you know it or not 而且它会吸引否定的力量,所以有些玩黑白神通的巫师,用蛋来吸引附身的魔,你们知道这种事吗?
Help christians in benin to grow in their knowledge and understanding of you , to be better discipled , and to cast off remnants of superstition and voodoo belief that still form part of much of their faith 帮助贝南的基督徒在认识和领悟祢的知识上成长,成为更好的门徒,而且抛弃迷信和巫毒信仰对他们的基督信仰所留下的残存影响。
Ultrahigh - vacuum components , meticulously cleaned according to “ voodoo ” recipes , produce the world ' s best vacua and protect the atoms from the violent collisions that occur in room - temperature gases such as the air around us 他们小心翼翼地以独门秘方清洁超高真空中的元件,制造出世界上最佳的真空,使原子云不会受室温气体(例如我们身边的空气)的猛烈撞击。
The geomancy expert chose the plot to bury mr . yan s father 20 years ago . but , a new burial must be made at another site to ensure mr . yan to become more riches . so mr . yan calls in chinese voodoo priest kou to handle to reburial 任老爷先父入土廿年而尸骨未腐,九叔怕它变成强尸,与徒秋生,文才把尸首抬返义庄处理,更建议任家小姐婷婷暂避,反被指为导人迷信,锁进牢内,一夜,村民一个个神秘死去
a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers 同义词:juju, hoodoo, fetish, fetich,
a religious cult practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries (especially Haiti); involves witchcraft and animistic deities 同义词:vodoun, voodooism, hoodooism,
(Haiti) followers of a religion that involves witchcraft and animistic deities