Works tenders normally involve voluminous requirements and bulky submissions , and hence involve more complex considerations and are not handled by the electronic tendering system 工程项目的标书通常涉及繁复规定和大量文件,及需予以更复杂的考虑,故不能透过电子投标系统处理。
Works tenders normally involve voluminous requirements and bulky submissions , and hence involve more complex considerations and are not handled by the electronic tendering system 工程项目的标书通常涉及繁复规定和大量文件,及需予以更复杂的考虑,故不能透过电子投标系统处理。
Mr mailer ' s style has grown more padded and voluminous over the years as his subject matter has taken him further away from what he knows , and the novel smacks of digression at times 多年来,梅勒的文风演变得愈发杂乱、冗长,仿佛他的主题将他领向陌生的领域,而且他的作品也有多处显得离题。
Big - footed athens olympics mascots in voluminous plush suits of orange and blue are lifesize renditions of unearthed terracotta dolls dating back 5 , 000 years 他们长着大脚丫,一个穿着深黄色长毛绒衣服,一个穿着深蓝色长毛绒衣服。吉祥物正是古希腊出土的5000年前的陶土雕塑玩偶“达伊达拉”的翻版。
A concise introduction of voluminous classical literature on the correlation of financial development and economic growth is firstly made from both theoretical analysis and empirical study 本文先对国内外有关金融发展与经济增长的关系的经典文献从理论研究和实证研究两个方面分别作一系统性的概括。
The enquirer can normally collect the copies on the same day . for voluminous copies , special arrangement should be made with the counter staff and one full working day should be allowed 不过,如要影印大量资料,查询人士须与查询处人员联络,以便作出特别安排,并需预留一个工作天让有关人员影印资料。
Chinese characters are a carrier which is written down chinese culture , voluminous chinese civilization can be spread far and wide and driven by it , so chinese character and culture link to each other closely 摘要汉字是记录中华文化的载体,浩如烟海的中华文明由它得以传扬开去,所以汉字和文化紧密相连。
It is for this reason that there is a voluminous agenda in these coming two years ahead to bring through as many transmissions as they possibly can before turning the juncture ahead in their evolution 正是这个原因,前方未来两年内,在他们进化中结合点的转变到来之前,有尽他们所能多的大量传授信息要带入。
We are using cd - rom to disseminate tender information and receive tender submissions for works projects which normally involve voluminous data and bulky submissions , so as to increase efficiency in the processes 对于一般涉及大量数据和文件的工务工程,我们目前正利用唯读光碟发出招标资料,及让承建商递交标书,以提高投标程序的效率。
If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly , you should put the first ones listed ( as many as fit reasonably ) on the actual cover , and continue the rest onto adjacent pages 如果封面或封底必要的文字太多而导致看起来不清晰明了,那么你可以把优先的条目(尽量适合地)列在封面或封底,剩下的那些接在邻近的页面里。
large in number or quantity (especially of discourse); "she took copious notes"; "a subject of voluminous legislation" 同义词:copious,
large in volume or bulk; "a voluminous skirt"
marked by repeated turns and bends; "a tortuous road up the mountain"; "winding roads are full of surprises"; "had to steer the car down a twisty track" 同义词:tortuous, twisting, twisty, winding,