
use factor中文是什么意思

  • 利用率
  • 利用系数
  • 使用因素



  • 例句与用法
  • ( 3 ) constructs the model of cbti , and applying to industrial organization theory , analyses the process of cbti according to the way of the structure - conduct - performance ( scp ) . ( 4 ) describes the acknowledge spillover effect quantitatively with the improved model , defines the requirement for the enterprise into the cluster of cbti , and using factor analyses of poly - statistics , puts forward the method to choose the enterprise into the cluster of cbti
    建立基于产业群的技术创新运行过程模型,运用产业组织理论,按照结构? ?行为? ?绩效的分析路径对基于产业群的技术创新运行过程进行分析。运用改进的模型对产业群知识溢出效应进行定量描述,确定企业参加基于产业群的技术创新的入群条件;结合多元统计学中的因子分析,对企业参加基于产业群的技术创新活动提供了入群的选择方法。
  • The third chapter is studying the formation of the consumer brand loyalty , including the common and mentality procession , the relation between the attitude and the behavior during the formation of brand loyalty ; the fourth chapter will make qualitative research on the influencing factors of consumer brand loyalty , bringing forward several supposes from the consumer level and the marketing level ; the fifth chapter is the demonstration section on the influencing factors . making use of the spot investigation to the liquid milk consumers in the 12 supermarkets and 6 milk spots , we will use factors analysis and regressions method to analyze investigation result and illustrate the degree of each influencing factor of consumer brand loyalty so as to testify the supposes that have been made in the fourth chapter
  • Because passing through the special craft processing and the processing of escaping taste , both may seal many years not to agglomerate , fluidity as before , and solves the sweet taste of glucose , the using factor of production has been possible to reach 100 % , for producing factories to relieve multitudinous puzzle completely
    而加益粉由于经过特殊工艺加工及脱味处理,既可封存多年不结块,流动性如故,又解决了葡萄糖的甜味,生产利用率可达100 ,完全为生产厂家解除了众多方面的困扰。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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