
transmission speed中文是什么意思

  • 传递速度
  • 传输速度
  • 传输速率
  • 传送速度
  • 发报速度



  • 例句与用法
  • It would lead to much more errors and complex scanning structure set . measuring wheel set flange by digital camera needed confirming rim inside plane by special object . it was difficult to measure running wheels because data transmission speed was slow
  • Wavelet transform encode technology has the potential of fitting with the characteristics of human eyes . so we may get better recovering image under the same transmission speed or better compression ratio under the same evaluation level
  • Because gigabit ethernet supports transmission speeds of roughly 1 , 000 mbps , many network gurus assume that installing a few gigabit ethernet nics and attaching the cabling and a high - speed switch will make their networks perform at warp speeds
  • With the rapid development of integrate circuit and electronic products various packaging modes and packaging technologies are developed . multi - chip module ( mcm ) packaging technologies rapidly develop because of it ’ s characteristic of improving frequency and increasing transmission speed and so on
    多芯片组件( multi - chipmodule即mcm )封装技术因组装密度高,改善了频率特性和传输速度等一系列优点获得了迅速发展。
  • This paper presents a method of improving on frame & horizontal synchronization in laser phototypesetter , by using singal - chip computer system to detect real - time frequency deviation and adjust film transmission speed
  • Then the difference of data transmission speed between inside and outside of current cmos chips has been a bottleneck influencing the performance of computer systems . lvds ( low voltage differential signaling ) is an international common interface sdandard that applied to high speed signal transmitter
  • In this paper , the problem of video data real time transmitting for machinery facilities remote monitor and control system in network environment is discussed , and a dynamic adaptive coding method is proposed to coordinate the contradiction between the transmission speed and quantity of the data
  • Because the transmission speed is too fast , many people thin k that it ' s impossible to withdraw the e - contract . but the writer considers that since there are network errors and many other possible reasons , it will be better to accept withdraw of the electronic offer
  • An interface unit or circuitry that converts data to and from the representation used by a particular peripheral device or class of peripheral devices ; for example , a device that converts between bit serial and bit parallel and resolves differences in transmission speeds
  • Especially with the development of wavelength division multiplexing and dense wavelength division multiplexing systems which are to improve the transmission speed and capacity in optical fiber communication , tunable filter as an important device of such systems is caused attention by research department
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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