In her commerce with the great our dear friend showed the same frankness which distinguished her transaction with the lowly . 我们这亲爱的朋友对待大人物和她对待地位低微的人一样直爽。
He felt only the taint of such a transaction between a man like trenor and a girl like lily bart . 只觉得在雷诺这样的男人和丽莉巴特这样的女子之间有如此巨大数字的一笔金钱交易总是不光彩的。
Mr. pickwick's oration upon this occasion, together with the debate thereon, is entered on the transaction of the club . 匹克威克先生在这会议上的演说,还有当场发生的辩论,都记录在该社的会议录上。
In addition to the head accountant bookkeepers on the staff post the transaction in the various ledgers and guest accounts . 除会计主任外,会计人员中还有记帐员负责把各项收支金额记入分类帐和顾客帐户。
When there was the five hundred thousand advanced by stener, to say nothing of all the past shady transactions of former city treasurers ! 还有斯坦纳借给他的五十万呢,且不谈前任的财政局长们过去的暗昧交易。
In every transaction together from that period, in their daily intercourse, in business, or in chat, she had been regularly losing ground in his esteem . 从那时起,在每次交往中,在办事上,在闲聊中,她在他的心目中一日不如一日。
No one knew of these transactions , nor was he going to mention them to anyone else. he was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb , he had to suffer in silence . 这件事谁也不知道,他又不能对任何人提起,真是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。
Back up the transaction log for all the databases 备份每个数据库上的事务日志。
Transactions that do not modify data are not marked 不修改数据的事务不被标记。