n. 嘟嘟〔喇叭、笛子等的声音〕;〔美国〕闹饮;庆祝。 vt. 吹(喇叭、笛子等),使嘟嘟叫。 vi. 吹喇叭[笛子]嘟嘟地叫;(松鸡等)叫。 Don't toot. 勿揿喇叭。 toot one's own horn 〔美口〕自夸,自傲。 toot the ringer [ding-dong] 〔美口〕按门铃。 n. 酒宴;痛饮。
tooth n. (pl. teeth) 1.牙齿。 2.齿状突出,轮齿,锯齿,耙齿(等)。 3.嗜好。 4.〔常 pl.〕(像牙齿那样能咬人的)威力,猛力,(正面)迎击。 5.〔海口〕 〔pl.〕船上的大炮。 a canine tooth 犬齿。 a false [an artificial] tooth 假牙。 a milk tooth 乳牙。 a molar tooth 臼齿。 a wisdom tooth智齿。 I have a sweet tooth . 我喜欢吃甜东西。 the tooth of the wind 风的威力。 armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿,全副武装。 between the teeth 低声地。 cast [throw] sth. in sb.'s teeth (引用某事)遣责某人。 clench one's teeth=set one's teeth. cut a tooth 出牙齿。 cut one's wisdom teeth (eyeteeth) 开始懂事。 draw [pull] sb.'s teeth 消除某人不平[烦恼]的根由;拔除某人的爪牙(使无能为害)。 escape by [with] the skin of one's teeth 〔口语〕幸免于难。 from one's teeth=from the teeth outwards [forwards] 怀恨在心地,无诚意的。 grind one's teeth 咬牙切齿;生闷气。 have a great tooth for (fruit) 很爱吃(水果)。 in spite of sb.'s teeth 不顾某人反对。 in the teeth 反抗;公然。 in the teeth of 不管,不顾;冒着…;正面受着…。 long in the tooth 年纪大 (She is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl. 她扮演少女的角色年龄太大了一点)。 lose a handful of teeth 〔美拳击〕下巴受猛击。 put teeth in [into] a new law 给与新法律的强制性威力。 set one's teeth 咬紧牙关,拼命忍耐。 set sb.'s tooth on edge 使牙齿发酥[发涩],使腻烦[恼怒]。 show one's teeth 张牙露齿,怒视,威吓。 to sb.'s teeth 当面,大胆地。 tooth and nail 拼命(战斗、反对等)(They fought tooth and nail but lost. 他们竭尽全力拼搏,结果还是输了)。 vt. 使具齿状;给…装牙齿;刻齿,锉齿(在锯条上等);(用牙齿)咬(住)。 vi. (齿轮等)咬合。 n. -ful 〔俚语〕(白兰地酒等的)一滴,一点点,一小口。 adj. -less 没有牙齿的;无力的。
The basic toot that causes disparity is : methodology of new institutional economics is institutional constructionlism and institutional individualism , max ' s is the combination of institutional individualism and institutional holism , the combination of institutional constructionlism and institutional evolutionism 这些分歧的根源是方法论:新制度经济学的方法论是制度个体主义和建构理性主义,马克思的制度经济学的方法论是制度整体主义与制度个体主义的统一、演进理性主义与建构理性主义的统一。
The thesis discussed software engineering multimedia course ware system authoring method and flow in the end . the course ware authored by fiashf and ream weavers develop toot . not only is the content rich , graphics and texts ail had , automatic picture novel and imaged , but also took up small space , it is convenient to delivery dates in the condition of current network it use automatic effect button , move character controlled , mask display and so many peculiar effect 该课件采用dreamweavers和flash5开发工具进行制作。本课件不仅网页内容丰富,图文并茂,动画新颖形象,而且占用空间比较少,便于在观有的网络状态下进行数据的传送。在制作过程中,我们大胆的尝试,采用了压缩大纲、图片文字、级联格式、分层等最新的dhtml技术来构造课件。
make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared" 同义词:honk, blare, beep, claxon,
tootとは意味:1toot n. 吹き鳴らすこと; 警笛. 【動詞+】 ◆The driver gave a couple of toots on the horn. 運転手は 2 回クラクションを鳴らした ◆Can I have a little toot on your flute? 《口語》 フルートをちょっと吹いてみていいかね. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a loud toot 音高く吹き鳴らすこと. 【+前...