During recent years there has been an increasing tendency of the apple grower to rotate his orchard with respect to age . 近些年来,按苹果树龄对苹果园实行轮作的生产者逐渐增多。
There has been much public discussion in recent years about the united states running out of farmland because of urban encroachment . 近年来常常有关于城市扩展而使美国农田减少的公众讨论。
So far as the location of the cotton industry is concerned, there has been an extremely important migration from the north to the south . 就棉纺工业的分布来说,则有从北向南的极重要的移徙。
The rate of racial progress varies in different areas of the country, but in the past ten years there has been more improvement . 种族方面的进步程度,各区不一,但过去十年中,确有很大进步。
Although there has been long-term producers, the occurrences are generally small, many consisting of mere showings of sulfide . 虽然有些地区长期产镍,但产量很少,其中有许多地区只有硫化物的痕迹。
There has been a split in american writing between a cultivated, europeanized concept of literature, and a notion of a native literature . 美国文学里优雅的欧洲文学和本土文学之间,一直是有分野的。
Even for the most recent destructive earthquakes in the world there has been a lamentable lack of measured ground acceleration data . 即使不久前世界上发生的大地震,也十分遗憾地没有测到地面加速度数据。
There has been an understandable tendency toward the routine use of one or more of these drugs in the treatment of all cases of diphtheria . 常规使用一至数种此类药品治疗所有白喉患者,已成为公认的趋势。
Although there has been a general uptrend in world exports of fats and oils the growth has been mainly limited to edible oils and tallow . 尽管世界出口油脂呈上升趋势,但这种增长却主要限于食用油和牛脂。
After a long lapse from favour there has been a revival of interest in the use of grain-size distribution in the interpretation of environments . 在长期放弃用粒度分布解释环境之后,这种兴趣又恢复起来了。