The roaring of the lion , and the voice of the fierce lion , and the teeth of the young lions , are broken 10狮子的吼叫,和猛狮的声音,尽都止息。少壮狮子的牙齿,也都敲掉。
Shear resistance , wear resistance and oil resistance are highly demanded by the teeth of the synchronous belt 聚氨酯同步带的应具有较高的抗剪切强度,良好的耐磨性和耐油性。
He struggled in the dark , without advice , without encouragement , and in the teeth of discouragement 他在黑暗中奋斗,没有人为他出主意,也没有人鼓励他。他在挫折的缝里挣扎。
" the roaring of the lion and the voice of the fierce lion , and the teeth of the young lions are broken 伯4 : 10狮子的吼叫、和猛狮的声音、尽都止息少壮狮子的牙齿、也都敲掉。
In the teeth of the scare , kleinmann ' s customers seem to have concluded that the magic hasn ' t rubbed off 要命的是,就连官方科学家们本身对到底必须采用何种检验方法也举棋不定。
Though the noise of the lion and the sounding of his voice , may be loud , the teeth of the young lions are broken 狮子的吼叫,和猛狮的声音,尽都止息。少壮狮子的牙齿,也都敲掉。
An application of finite element method on bending fatigue strength calculation of the teeth of a standard straight spur gear 有限元法在标准直齿圆柱齿轮轮齿弯曲疲劳强度计算中的应用
[ bbe ] though the noise of the lion and the sounding of his voice , may be loud , the teeth of the young lions are broken 狮子的吼叫,和猛狮的声音,尽都止息。少壮狮子的牙齿,也都敲掉。
Arise , o lord ! deliver me , o my god ! strike all my enemies on the jaw ; break the teeth of the wicked 7耶和华啊,求你起来!我的上帝啊,求你救我!因为你打了我一切仇敌的腮骨,敲碎了恶人的牙齿。
A nation has invaded my land , powerful and without number ; it has the teeth of a lion , the fangs of a lioness 6有一队蝗虫(原文是民)又强盛又无数,侵犯我的地。它的牙齿如狮子的牙齿,大牙如母狮的大牙。