
s search中文是什么意思

  • 找姑姑



  • 例句与用法
  • China s search engine and resource guide containing comprehensive china news and information . its name " zhaodaola " means " i ve found it " in chinese
    - 24小时不停搜索全球当日华语网上新闻的搜索引擎,分类,索引,每天搜索多达数千条新闻。
  • For example , a technical document search process takes a customer ? s search request from a web page and produces a list of documents from which one can be selected
  • The centers for disease control and prevention says it ' s searching for 80 people who may have come in contact with the man infected with a dangerous form of tuberculosis
  • By using the site including accoona s search engine and any other services offered on the site , you agree to accept the terms of our privacy policy
    如果您使用这个网站(包括accoona的搜索器和网站提供的其他任何服务) ,您就默认了我们隐私权政策里的条款。
  • The centers for disease control and prevention says it ' s searching for 80 people who may have come in contact with the man infected with a dangerous form of tuberculosis
  • The centers for disease control and prevention says it ' s searching for 80 people who may have come in contact with the man infected with a dangerous form of tuberculosis
  • The centers for disease control and prevention says it ' s searching for 80 people who may have come in contact with the man infected with a dangerous form of tuberculosis
  • Some tolerance is built into the system ' s search engine , though ; wang says that shazam can recognize songs played within about 10 percent of their original speed
    但这个系统的搜寻引擎也内建一些容错机制,王艾弗说,只要歌曲播放速度与原来的误差不超过10 % ,沙札姆就能辨识。
  • David karnstedt , who previously served as senior vice president of yahoo ' s search sales business , was tapped to lead the newly combined sales teams as head of north american sales
  • In man ' s search and recognize to the natural regulation , science experiment is an important and unnecessary loop , so we can say that no experiment , no up - to - date science
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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