
pass off中文是什么意思

  • (感觉)终止
  • (感觉等)终止;中止
  • 把…冒充为,假称是
  • 被当作
  • 被看作
  • 发生并完成
  • 感觉等终止
  • 进行到最后
  • 消失,顺利地进行
  • 中止,停止
  • 终止,停止
  • 逐渐消失;不加理会,回避;顺利;进行
  • 逐渐消失;进行;忽视



  • 例句与用法
  • The meeting passed off quite well ; all the representatives were satisfied with the resolutions
  • Mescaline is completely innocuous , and its effects will pass off after eight or ten hours
  • Ensure quality procedures are adhered to , and the quality of the print and pass off production run
  • The weariness she had unmistakably betrayed just before had now quite passed off
  • He tried to pass off the wine as french , when in fact it come from outside the common market
  • Hence , most of the box - and - line drawings that are passed off as architectures are in fact not architectures at all
  • Jim has a supply of old pennies which he polishes up and passes off to foreign tourists as rare coins
  • It ' s arbitrarily highlighted just to give a flavour of some of the stuff that passes off as art these days
  • An alternative is to boot from a floppy disk that recognizes the cd - rom and passes off boot control to the latter
    另一种方案是从一张可识别cd - rom的软盘进行引导,然后把引导控制交给cd - rom 。
  • If you are passing off control to another page , such as when you forward or redirect the user
    如果您要将控制转移到另一个页面,例如您要前进( forward )或者重定向( redirect )用户,那么只需要使用
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • expel (gases or odors)
    同义词:emit, breathe,

  • come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"
    同义词:happen, hap, go on, occur, pass, fall out, come about, take place,

  • disappear gradually; "The pain eventually passed off"
    同义词:evanesce, fade, blow over, fleet, pass,

  • disregard; "She passed off the insult"

  • cause to be circulated and accepted in a false character or identity; "She passed the glass off as diamonds"; "He passed himself off as a secret agent"

  • be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity; "She passed off as a Russian agent"

  • 其他语种释义
  • pass offとは意味:{句動-1} : 次第に消えていく、経過する、終わる、(物事が)運ぶ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : その場を繕う、受け流す、ごまかす、言い繕う ----------------------------------------------------...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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