The upward buoyant force on an object partially or wholly submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid . 部分浸没或全部浸没在流体中的物体所受到的向上浮力,等于它所排开流体的重量。
For conifers which do not form an abscission layer at the base of the cone, shakers have been partially or completely unsuccessful . 对于球果基部不能形成脱离层的针叶树,摇树机的作用不大,或者完全不起作用。
Radio astronomers are now able to synthesize the response of a partially filled aperture of large diameter and thus to map variations in nebular brightness . 射电天文学家现在已经能够把部分充满的大直径孔径进行综合,从而描绘出星云亮度变化图。
They felt it might be a being partially benighted in the vale of ignorance, but it could not be one who would willingly devote his rich natural gifts to the purposes of wanton treachery . 他们觉得,这个人虽然可能有些蒙昧无知,但他决不是一个乐于把自己高贵的天赋用于背信弃义的人。
I ' m sure it ' s , you know , at least partially my fault 我猜起码我得负一定的责任
Attribute values are only partially normalized 时,只对属性值进行部分正常化。
Will you fully cook or partially cook the egg ?你会将鸡蛋煮至全熟定系半生熟呢?
Percussion grenades . i was partially deaf that night 手榴弹炸的我那晚耳朵有点聋
Reliability analysis of partially repairable systems 部分可修系统的可靠性分析