
now playing中文是什么意思

  • 现正收听的音乐



  • 例句与用法
  • “ what i would like to present to the user is now play our hide - and - seek game in this real world , not the set jungle that everyone competes on
    我想展现给玩家一个在真实世界的捉迷藏游戏,不是在雨林场景里面的竞争。 ”
  • Due to tight market competition , supply chain management ( scm ) now plays an important role in assisting companies to gain competitive advantage
  • What i would like to present to the user is now play our hide - and - seek game in this real world , not the set jungle that everyone competes on
  • Now playing around with menus and keybinds is all well and good , but you want to set a background right ? easy
  • What we saw in childhood is mainly the tremolo harmonica . the blues harmonica now played is good as well , and is portable in the handbag
  • The dogs can now play outside and get exercise and fresh air during the day without the risk of running off ( and becoming strays again )
    狗儿们现在可以在白天时在外头玩耍,运动筋骨,而不会有跑走的危险(然后又变成流浪狗) !
  • And madame duvernoy , who had been moving towards the mantelpiece , was now playing with the bauble as she spoke , and casting covetous looks at it
  • Now played by three different actors , tulse is faced with even more imprisonment and oddities , including detours into alice the wonderland and greenaway s own
  • To block unpleasant themes from your " now playing " list , you ' ll need to identify the lesson , learn it , and act on your new understanding
  • Thus it s due to the educational workers to take good consideration on the cartoons , which is now playing an important part in infants lives
    而作为现代幼儿生活中重要的一项活动内容? ?观看儿童电视美术片,理应纳入幼儿教育工作者的研究视野。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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