The surplus of n and p was less than that of quzhou county , while the surplus of organic input was more than that of quzhou county 与曲周县的整体情况相比,巩村农作系统的氮素和磷素盈余较少,有机质盈余较大,养分投入更合理一些。
The accumulation of nitrate in vegetables was closely related to soil total n and n rate applied in late stage ( before harvesting ) 通过分析蔬菜中的硝酸盐积累与土壤、施肥的关系,表明高积累硝酸盐蔬菜易受土壤全氮、后期施氮肥的影响。
To pancyclic graphs , bondy ( 1971 ) proves a classic theorem that every hamiltonian graph of order n and size exceeding n 2 / 4 关于泛圈图, bondy ( 1971 )证明了下面经典定理:每个边数至少为n ~ 2 / 4的n阶hamiltonian图是泛圈图或完全二部图。
M ir n and two of her brothers are three of the 147 people who live on inishmaan , one of the three aran islands off ireland ' s western coast 玛伊琳和她的两个兄弟则居住在爱尔兰西海岸阿伦三岛之一的伊尼什曼岛上,该岛一共住着147名居民。
We give the value of the code - length n and dimension k , and the lower bound of the minimal distances of the new linear code under some particular condition 在某些情况下,我们得到了该类线性码的码长n和维数k的取值以及最小距离d的下限。
The yearly burning raised soil pll , available n and k and reduced soil organic mater , total n , total p , available p and ca 连年火烧迹地土壤ph值升高,有机质、全氮、全磷、速效磷、钙的含量均有所下降,而有效氮、有效钾的含量有所增加。
The 308 rc z concept car is powered by a 1 . 6 litre thp engine derived from the ep6dts unit developed by psa peugeot citro & euml ; n and the bmw group 308钢筋混凝土的z概念车搭载一台1 . 6公升引擎巴马汀来自ep6dts股开发由标致雪铁龙集团和宝马集团
Yet , rather than simply accept calder n ' s apologies , some players chose to tell calder n and the sporting director predrag mijatovic a few home truths 现在除了简单的接受卡尔德隆的道歉,有些球员告诉卡尔德隆和体育总监米贾托维奇一些真相。
5kg ha - 1 . compared with control , microbial biomass c , n and p in soils treated with atrazine were decreased by 13 . 51 % , 10 . 12 % and 11 添加的无机肥料中以氮磷配合施用对微生物生物量碳、氮、磷的影响最大,其次是单施氮肥,再次是单施磷肥。
Free academicals atmosphere , teac1 n and research integrated has born the sample for the new university and its has deep influence in many countries ' high education innovation 柏林大学成为新大学的楷模,影响了美、日等多国高等教育现代化的进程。