Indeed , if you look at these figures , china also meets all the maastricht criteria which have been laid down for the introduction of european monetary union 你们看一看这些数据,便会发觉中国实际上符合为实施欧洲货币联盟而订下的《马城条约》的所有规定。
Euro in hand , europe expects a new era - by the time church bells rang in the new year across europe on jan . 1 , europe completed an unprecedented monetary union 手持欧元,欧洲人企盼新纪元? ?当新年的钟声响彻欧洲之际,欧洲人完成了一次史无前例的币制联盟。
These two concepts contains the seeds of establishment of monetary union in a gradual way because of great differences among asian - pacific economies in de 亚太区域的货币合作是一个渐进的过程,关键是要增强地区认同,培育共同信念,实现在合作中求发展、发展中促合作。
But is there a need for convergence before monetary union , or is it possible for some form of monetary union , or integration , or co - operation to force the convergence 不过,在组成货币联盟之前,是否先要经济趋同?抑或我们可以透过某种形式的货币联盟或融合或合作,迫使区内经济趋同?
Seen in this light , the potential benefits of economic and monetary union like that adopted in europe make sense for regions with a high degree of economic integration and interdependence 由此我们不难想像欧洲这类高度经济融合及紧密相依的地区,组成了发挥经济及货币联盟所带来的潜在益处。
But for those countries , in asia and elsewhere , discussing whether to set up their own monetary union , the euro ' s short history has produced a few early lessons 但对那些正在探讨,是否也要建立它们自己的货币联盟的亚洲和其它地区的国家来说,欧元短短的历史已经向它们提供了一些早期的经验教训。
And if one assesses the emerging markets of asia against the maastricht criteria , one can conclude rather conveniently that asian monetary co - operation , implying asian monetary union , is a non - starter 若根据马城条约的标准来衡量亚洲的新兴市场,我们或会轻易作出结论,认为亚洲金融合作或亚洲货币联盟是不可能的事。
Is there a case for creating an anchor within the region ? is it possible to use hard pegs of domestic currencies to a synthetic , floating asian currency unit as the anchor and the interim step to monetary union 是否可能将区内货币按固定兑换价与一个合成的浮动亚洲货币单位挂,并以此作为支柱及过渡至货币联盟的临时措施?
I realise , of course , that monetary union in europe must have been the monetary event of the past decade , in terms of occupying the time of academics and practitioners in the field , particularly in europe 年金融风暴后,其在银行及货币方面的发展愈渐受到国际注视,因此大会今次的安排实在很合时宜。我当然明白以学者及业内人士
In february 1972 , the minister council of the european economic community passed " economic and monetary union report " , which was an important step that the european economic community carried out the monetary integration 自1999年欧元问世、 2002年全面启动以来,法国、德国等欧洲主要国家一直希望英国能够加入欧元区,为推动欧洲一体化做出贡献。