memory n. 1.记忆;记忆力;【自动化】存储器;信息存储方式;存储量。 2.回忆。 3.纪念。 4.死后的名声,遗芳。 5.追想得起的年限[范围]。 artificial memory 记忆法。 retentive memory 良好的记忆力。 a translation memory (电子计算机的)译码存储器。 Keep your memory active. 好好记住,不要忘记。 It is but a memory. 那不过是往事而已。 bear [have, keep] in memory 记着,没有忘记。 beyond [within] the memory of man [men] 在有史以前[以来]。 cherish the memory of (sb.) 怀念(某人)。 come to one's memory 想起,忆及,苏醒。 commit to memory 记住。 from memory 凭记忆。 have a good [bad, poor, short] memory 记性好[坏]。 have no memory of 完全忘记。 If my memory serves me. 如果我的记性不错。 in memory of 纪念…。 of blessed [famous, happy, glorious] memory 故〔加在已死王公名上的颂词〕 (King Charles of blessed memory 已故查理王)。 slip sb.'s memory 被某人一时忘记。 to the best of one's memory 就记忆所及。 to the memory of 献给…〔著者书前纪念性题词〕。 within living memory 现在还被人记着。
However , as the electrical dimension of the target increases , the memory requirement and cpu time are barriers to the solution by a single pc 但是,随着所关心的目标的电尺寸不断增大,求解过程所需要的内存和cpu等计算资源变得非常巨大,从而极大地限制了单机的求解能力。
This paper analyzes and compares the computation and memory requirement between the two method of estimating doppler center in time domain and frequency domain 本文分析比较了时域与频域方法估计多普勒中心对运算量与存储量的要求,得出时域法实现多普勒中心更适合实时系统。
In this installment , david examines how well restructuring techniques can be adapted to block - level processing - in terms of both compression improvements and cpu memory requirements 在本文中, david研究了重新构造技术在多大程度上适合块级别处理在压缩改进和cpu内存需求方面。
The buildings are represented as height maps , leading to low memory requirements and not involving changes of the original geometry i . e . , no vertices are created or displaced 在不增加多边形及顶点的前提下,基于图像的建模方法和渲染技术可以被用来显示在这种情况下的房屋模型。
The present methods can attain less unknowns , less computer memory requirement and better error convergence rate compared with low - order mom , and maintain the virtue of high accuracy 该法与低阶方法相比,所需未知量更少,所需存储更少,同时保持了计算结果高精度,具有高阶的收敛性等优点。
Obviously , this is referring to a thick client , which would open up the service to a wide variety of clients , but could potentially demand higher cpu and memory requirements from each 很明显,这指的是胖客户端,胖客户端能使服务面向多种客户端,但是对每个客户端可能有较高的cpu和内存需求。
The design of the jfs check repair utility differs in that its virtual memory requirements are dictated by the number of files and directories rather than the number of blocks within the file system Jfs检查/修复实用程序的设计区别在于其虚存需求由文件系统中文件和目录的数量(而不是由块的数量)所决定。
That is , a polymorphic type cannot have a compile - time memory commitment except in the trivial case in which derived instances do not impose additional memory requirements . this is true regardless of whether 也就是说,多态类型不能有编译时内存提交(例外情况是派生实例不强制附加的内存要求时,但并不常见) 。
Comparing with conventional methods , this combination accelerates the computational speed and decreases the memory requirement . the effectiveness and reliability of the method are verified by numerical results 阻抗边界条件ibc的引入减少了计算区域,节省了内存,将只适于导体散射分析的fma扩展到有涂层情况。
While the real applications usually need to solve the scattering problem form very large - scale target , even the recent computer can hardly satisfy the huge memory requirement and the enormous computational requirement 然而工程中又常常需要我们求解电大甚至超电大目标的散射问题,当前的计算条件难以满足工程需要。